Puzzling questions by Luca D'Ambrosio
Luca D'Ambrosio:
1) I have found a paper cutting presumably published between end of December 1926 and February 1927, but I don't know the author and the source. The author of the annotations on Przepiórka - Rosselli, Meran 1926, seems to be well-informed: He knows the exact tournament progress of Rosselli and indicates the multiple piece sacrifices in the game Przepiórka - Patay, Meran 1926 (played only seven days before). It could have been that the writer of those lines was in Meran as a reporter, then inter alia Paul Krüger would come into consideration whose chess column in the Hamburger Nachrichten I was not able to consult yet.
Notable and maybe helpful for the research are the very uncommon notation and the original piece symbols in the diagram.
2) The second question is related to the "Augsburger Schachblatt". This appeared (in extracts?!) as a supplement of the Augsburger Postzeitung and of the Der Schwäbische Postbote, but obviously there also existed an independent issue (see Sonntagsbeilage). Who knows about this paper/magazine as an independent gazette, and possibly has the volumes 1924-1927?
3) Who has the volumes 1924-1927 of the Münchener Schach-Zeitung (see MSZ Nr. 1653)? It seems to have been an independent gazette (cf. the information: organ of the club "Schachheim München").
Who will be able to help?
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