Jurgen Stigter
"Reading is dangerous for a book collector. It costs a lot of time ..." as Jurgen says with an ironic undercurrent in KARL 1/2004. Then there’s surely left no time for writing, but after all our club founder from Amsterdam is the author of the most extensive Lasker bibliography I know about. Maybe we will be surprised one day by a printed new edition – the copy on hand is dated 1987.
Furthermore we may point to the following publications of Jurgen Stigter:
"The history and rules of Rithmomachia: the philosopher's game", Delft Ms (about 1989); as well as an obituary of Ken Whyld in "Board Game(s) Studies" No. 6 / 2003, p. 99-101.
After all Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam's contribution "For the love of books" ("Jurgen Stigter's dream of a universal chess bibliography") was published in New In Chess 2008/5 - a six and a half-page article resulting from an interview with Jurgen Stigter.