last update: 17.01.2025
The publications are divided into four subsections:
The following is a list of all publications listed:
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The Classical Era of Modern Chess
Peter J. Monté
The Day Kasparov Quit
Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam
The Greatest Ever Chess Endgames
Steve Giddins
The History of Correspondence Chess in Canada
Leonard Zehr, J. Ken MacDonald
The Imagery of Chess Revisited
Larry List
The Life & Games of Akiva Rubinstein
John Donaldson, Nikolai Minew
The Life and Games of Frank Ross Anderson
John Donaldson
The Mystery of Edward Pindar
Owen M. Hindle
The Soviet Championships
Bernard Cafferty, Mark Taimanov
The Steinitz Papers
Kurt Landsberger
The Unknown Capablanca
David Hooper, Dale Alden Brandreth
Thomas Frère And the Brotherhood of Chess
Martin Frère Hillyer
Tournaments of 1916
Anthony J. Gillam
Turmtore oder der "Bone-Vorwurf" * Kachelofenprobleme
Rudolf Glenk
Unveiling the Victory
Henri Serruys
Van Spel tot Duel
Vom Rhein nach São Paulo
Friedrich-Karl Hebeker
Von der Krone zum Bürger
Georg Schweiger, Natascha Niemeyer-Wasserer
William Steinitz, Chess Champion
Hans Engberts, René Hesselink