Persons celebrating an Anniversary in November 2004
We start our autumnal birthday tour with Martin Ramsauer from the Swabian town of Kornwestheim, he is now – 3rd November – 35 years young. Some time ago he introduced himself in detail on our Member Pages, therefore I can add here only a few new things – in the ideal combination as a chess book collector and a (professional) book restorer he is particularly welcome to our association, and he has already delighted some collectors with excellent restorations from his workshop. In addition to his already published "Christmas Tree Book" (see Publications of our members) he has several further small projects like that in mind, we hope he will find the time required for them as well as for a planned larger book project – a chess history of Stuttgart (with an emphasis on problem chess) –, but its completion will surely take some more years.
Our next birthday greetings go to the Czech town of Olomouc where Vlastimil Fiala celebrated his 45th birthday on November, 8. In his leisure time – as a professor of political science he is heavily involved in his profession – he devotes himself with extreme energy and dedication to the publishing of reprints of historical chess books, to the periodical Quarterly for Chess History (= "QCH") as well as to further new publications (partly from his own pen such as for example the recently published two-volume biography of Duchamp). In order to carry out extensive chess historical investigations he has toured numerous countries and he has searched through the large libraries for finds as you may also take from the relevant field studies in his "Quarterlies". With all this spare-time work the enormous production of the Publishing House Moravian Chess is - in its mere quantity - nearly incredible. Vlastimil has supported our association particularly with the reprint of Ken Whyld’s Chess Reader, to the pleasure of the KWA members and collectors this work is meanwhile available in a second (completed) edition. And just recently Vlastimil has impressively enlarged our Forchheim book market as is vividly proved by our online photo gallery of this event.
Our Romanian member Marian Stere, a chess dealer and editor from Bucharest is the next on our birthday list: he turned 46 on the same day (November, 8). In this country he became known owing to his book on Wolfgang Pauly (see Publications of our members), the value of this biography and problem collection of a famous and extremely prolific composer is increased by the numerous rare documents included. This book project became possible when Marian Stere came by a fortunate circumstance into possession of Pauly’s original archives (as he describes in his book). The book on Pauly is the No. 9 of a series ArhiSAH which appeared in his publishing house GAMBIT.
Further kind greetings go to far Moscow where the well-known chess historian Isaak Maxovich Linder looked back on considerable 84 years on November, 20. The born Viennese emigrated in 1925 – i.e. at the age of 5 - together with his parents to Russia. His enthusiasm for chess was already woken in his early childhood, later on it was combined with the predilections of a professional historian (he completed the historical faculty of the Moscow university). Soon the history of chess in Russia became the object of his research, at first he devoted himself to the Russian chess players of the 19th century as well as to the exploration of archaeological finds (in the then USSR). He has frequently reported on that in the form of monographs and articles (in Russian), his book Chess in Old Russia (1979) was translated into English. His treatises on the subject "chess and literature" were published in Russian, too - Tolstoi, Puschkin, Turgenjew, Voltaire and others are on this list. Later on many of his works appeared in German such as Faszinierendes Schach (1986) and the wonderful illustrated Schachfiguren im Wandel der Zeit (1994).
Together with his son Wladimir Linder he has written the notable trilogy Das Schachgenie Capablanca (1988), Das Schachgenie Lasker (1991) and Das Schachgenie Aljechin (1992) as well as Schach – Das Lexikon (1996). Only three years ago the pair of authors gave the chess world a fascinating work – Koroli Schachmatnogo Mira – we have already briefly appreciated it in the Publications of our members.
A true jubilee appears in the final chapter of our small series as the birthday of our Munich friend Hans-Georg Kleinheinz recurred for the 50th time on November, 28. Since decades he has devoted himself to OTB play for already in his youth in the town of Stolberg/Rhineland and during his studies of computing science in Aachen Hans-Georg was active as a club player in the "Stolberger SV von 1927" (Stolberg Chess Club of 1927); and till today he keeps the tradition to compete at least once a year in a tournament, here preferring alpine countries (in former times the Brocco-Open in San Bernardino, nowadays above all the Biel Open or tournaments in Liechtenstein). For an exemplary amateur like him the participation itself and deriving pleasure from playing are in the centre of attention. Additionally he likes to go on a long ramble which caused a less trained companion in the Brocco-Open 1994 a lot of trouble. At least the white "attack" runs out of steam very quickly:
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A further passion of Hans-Georg is collecting chess literature: over the years he has built up an exquisite collection – a first impression gives the magnificent photo on his website which he has re-designed this year. At least one Stolberg chess friend – namely M.N. – got his inspiration from Hans-Georg’s collecting passion and valuable suggestions emerged from a number of visits. The precise Munich investigations about Warren Goldman, Hans Müller or Albert Heyde were "worth their weight in gold" – also many a great idea such as consulting simply a telephone directory ...
At our Forchheim meeting we could personally welcome Hans-Georg; for us who have known him for a more or less long time it was a joyful reunion which we hopefully may experience many times again.
For your "50th", dear Hans-Georg, many happy returns of the day!
(R.B. + M.N.)
Congratulations to all!