Regional member meeting in Brunswick
(Photo report by Michael Negele)

Again it was the Klittich-Pfankuch family who – after June 2001 (simul of Lothar Schmid) and November 2003 (foundation of the KWA) – made the 46th auction on June 18th, 2005 by means of a supporting programme especially attractive for us collectors of chess literature. (Click on the leaflet above to enlarge the preview picture!)

Keen collectors inspect carefully before their raids!

On Friday, June 17th, 2005 our board member Roger Klittich devoted very much time to the members and friends of the Ken Whyld Association so that we could feel very happy both during the inspection of the books and at the following supper in the garden.

And we could indulge ourselves in talking shop, a warmer hospitality than that of the house Klittich has rarely been granted to me. It was also nice that important topics of the KWA’s coming work could be discussed in a relaxed way together with Peter Holmgren, Roger Klittich, Jurgen Stigter and Michael Negele as well as with webmaster Ralf Binnewirtz: the general meeting in Amsterdam, database project and publications, Qelfrau bibliography. (Our member Wolfgang Remin had brought his copy of this rarity for our inspection, many thanks for that! A first report on this sensation from Vienna will soon appear at my website.)
Jurgen Stigter and Wolfgang Remin are studying lists, the chess books in the boxes are unexpectedly of no interest. -
Roger Klittich himself takes care of the bodily needs of his guests. -
Board members by themselves: this time looking seriously ... -
Hans-Jürgen Fresen and Mrs. Klittich together with Mrs. Lüders who showed a lively interest in the strange events in her neighbourhood. -
Evening circle with Jes Knudsen, bernd ellinghoven and Wolfgang Remin. -
The Danish group: Claes Løfgren, Jes Knudsen and chess friend Blohme were in a tremendous mood.
Also a database program conceived by Wolfgang Pähtz and Wolfgang Remin was presented which shows particularly interesting features for the recording of chess literature. Certainly more about that in Amsterdam.
From 7 pm the members of the Ken Whyld Association could prove that they do not only know much about chess literature but that they are also good chess players.

The well-known International Master Bernd Schneider from Solingen (current FIDE-ELO 2427) was willing to play a clock simul on 12 boards (90/90) – surely a quite demanding challenge. As Bernd told me later on the playing strength of the participants was nearly a bit too high, but in spite of some difficult positions the master succeeded in achieving a notable 9,5 – 2,5.
Neither the "good spirit" in the background nor the massive front of chess books sidewards could "save" Wolfgang Pähtz. -
Henri Serruys too was fighting a losing battle against the IM.
Glorious winners were Jurgen Stigter and Claes Løfgren, Calle Erlandsson achieved a lucky draw from his point of view. Here his game:
Maybe the most beautiful game was played by Peter Holmgren, it’s a real pity that in the end he lost the thread (and the game).

A tough resistance was also offered by our Dresden member Frank Schubert while Wolfgang Pähtz, Jes Knudsen, Henri Serruys and Guy van Habberney could move more or less fast "to the beer (garden)".

Christoph Schneider and the Danish chess friend Blohme joined in too as well as Mr. Graf from (the chess club) SV Salzgitter whose chairman (at the same time our member) Matias Jolowicz lent us the chess sets. At first numerous "visiting supporters" lined the event, later on they preferred gathering around the beer barrel.
Further 8 photos of the simul in our small gallery!
bernd ellinghoven standing behind Danish chess friend Blohme, in front his compatriot Jes Knudsen. -
Norbert Fieberg as "kibitzer", watching the games of (left to right) Mr. Graf, Calle Erlandsson and Guy van Habberney -
Jes Knudsen and Frank Schubert over the board, Ralf Binnewirtz and Wolfgang Remin are relaxing in the background. -
Christoph Schneider, Peter Holmgren and Claes Løfgren, the latter shortly before winning the endgame. -
Once more Mr. Graf and Calle Erlandsson -
Bernd Schneider sometimes kneels to think carefully!
Once more many thanks to all persons involved but particularly to Mrs. Klittich for the marvellous time in Brunswick.
We are looking forward now to seeing you again in Amsterdam.