Hans Ellinger
By his series "Tübinger Beiträge zum Thema Schach" Dr. Hans Ellinger has created an "Articulation forum for chess history, contemporary chess, chess psychology, chess events" - this commendable venture was started by Prof. Paul Thieme's contribution Zur Frühgeschichte des Schachs in 1994. Outstanding to me are Volume 3: Schach unterm Hakenkreuz (Ralf Woelk) and naturally Volume 5: Stellungsspiel, Eliskases' strategic principal work of 1941 - eventually in German translation. For such an undertaking a lot of idealism is required, therefore we hope that the Ken Whyld Association is able to give this series a new push (Volume 8 was published in 2003).
Overview "Tübinger Beiträge"