Yugoslavian Bibliography
Prof. Dušan B. Drajić from the Belgrade University had just joined our association (in March 2010) when he announced his new bibliographic project, and he has since pursued it with a remarkable determination and energy. His intention was a 4-volume bibliography of the Yugoslavian chess literature from 1886 to the present in a bilingual edition (English/Serbian), and already shortly after midyear 2010 he could present the first volume of the planned work. As per decision of the KWA board it was given as a gift to our members.
It took an additional half year only till the second volume was published (in February 2011), and at the moment (April/May 2011) the work on volume III is already in progress – it is supposed to see the light of day still in the course of this year. The books have been published in a convenient handy format (160 x 240 mm), moreover as hardback editions with thread-stitching pleasingly sturdy and optimally suited for a long-lasting use. The circulation is 300 copies in each case. You will find further details about the books in the reproduced forewords.
Dušan B. Drajić has realised his work with high commitment in a surprisingly short time (- we have no doubts that part III will be "timely" available to us as well) and has acted here as author, translator, designer, producer and distributor in one person! His bibliography is an additional "building block" of the complete bibliography of chess literature worldwide. Here we have to appreciate as well the valuable cooperation of our Welsh member Leonard Skinner who has exemplarily finished the proof-reading of the English parts of volume I and II.
KWA members can order volume II directly from the author - drajic@etf.rs - after having transferred 12 euros (including postage; or 15 US$ for US/NA members) to our club account.
RJB, 1 May 2011
Prof. Dušan Drajić has published now the third volume of his Yugoslavian bibliography (for the period 1968-1979) in the established layout. This time the price has slightly increased to 15.- Euros. Our members can again order directly from the author (see above) after having transferred the a.m. amount to our club account.

RJB, 30/11/2011
The fourth and final volume of this series was published in February 2012, it includes the period 1980 to 1991.
The price for our members is 15 € including postage, please address orders as usual to the author (see above).
On 3rd of May, at the Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering a further promotion event took place with regard to the volumes III and IV. The promotion team was identical to that of the previous events (> volumes I and II): Prof. Duško Vuković, chairman Sinisa Ruzicić, Prof. Dušan Drajić, FIDE Arbiter Bora Žarić and GM Svetozar Gligorić.

RJB, 09/05/2012
Exactly one year later, in February 2013 the fifth volume of the Yugoslavian Bibliography was published:

Published by Academic Mind, Belgrade
ca. 190 pages, hardback.
ISBN 978-86-7466-450-6
Price (for KWA members only): 17 € incl. postage
Retail price: 20.90 € + postage
Here the Table of Contents and the complete cover as PDF. The slight increase of the price seems to be justified in view of the number of pages.
As usual, please address your order to Prof. Dušan Drajić, drajic@etf.rs, after having paid the above sum to our KWA account or alternatively paid by PayPal to our treasurer Michael Negele, michael.negele.wtal@t-online.de, in this case please add 0.50 € PayPal fee.
Just as with the previous volumes, a promotion event took place in Belgrade: apart from the late GM Svetozar Gligorić, who was replaced by GM Ljubomir Ljubojević, the same team met on 21 February 2013. Prof. Dušan Drajić has sent us a few images:
As a supplement to the series we can present a booklet by Dragan Stojnić, containing a bibliography of Serbian problem chess literature from the period 1992-2013. It is bilingual (English and Serbian) as well, and Dušan Drajić has provided a preface.

Price: 7.50 € incl. postage from Belgrade
The last book of this series combines the 5 previous volumes of the Yugoslavian bibliography, including the work on problems by Dragan Stojnić as well as some additions and corrections. This time only in English, it has 316 pages, printed by computer. (The same book in Serbian - 349 pp. - will be published as well.)
This edition has been produced for KWA members only and is not for sale elsewhere. Price: 17 EUR including postage within Europe.
Authors: Dušan Drajić and Dragan Stojnić