Raj Tischbierek, Michael Negele
Schauspiel des Geistes
Marc Langs unglaublicher Rekord im Blindsimultanschach
With contributions by Vlastimil Hort, Raj Tischbierek, Marc Lang and Michael Negele who goes through the history of blindful chess on about 100 pages. More information on the book at www.schauspiel-des-geistes.de/.... (in German only).
We add a link to GM Helmut Pfleger's chess column in ZEIT-Online: www.zeit.de/2012/42/...
Reduced price for KWA members (worldwide): 20.- €. Orders of the members are accepted by Michael Negele: michael.negele.wtal@t-online.de; payment in advance by bank transfer to our KWA account. A simultaneous order of the Ado Kraemer book (see below) saves some postage!

- PublisherExzelsior Verlag, 2012
- ISBN978-3935800075
- Languagesgerman
- Pages200
- Formatspaperback