last update: 14.02.2025
The publications are divided into four subsections:
The following is a list of all publications listed:
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Ajedrez y peronismo 1946
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y Peronismo 1947
Ajedrez y peronismo 1948 – 1949
Ajedrez y peronismo 1950 – 1951
Ajedrez y Peronismo 1952
Ajedrez y Peronismo 1953
Ajedrez y peronismo 1954
Ajedrez y peronismo 1955
Alexander Alekhine's Chess Games, 1902-1946
Leonard M. Skinner, Robert G. P. Verhoven
Alfons X. "der Weise": Das Buch der Spiele
Ulrich Schädler
Alles über Schach
Michael Ehn, Hugo Kastner
Alois Nagler Zürich 1998
Alex Crisovan
Amos Burn
Richard Forster
An Historical Disquisition on the Game of Chess
Daines Barrington
An Overview of Serbian Problem Chess Literature 1992-2013 (An Annotated Bibliography)
Dragan Stojnić
An Overview of Yugoslavian Chess Literature (An Annotated Bibliography)
Dušan B. Drajić
An Overview of Yugoslavian Chess Literature 1886-1991 (An Annotated Bibliography) V