Persons celebrating an Anniversary in September 2008
To conclude this year’s summer we will mention five birthdays, our British member Eric W. Fischer from Hull who celebrated his 73rd birthday on September 7th starts our column. The web site of the Hull Chess Club informs us that meanwhile "Eric Fisher has produced a new booklet featuring the chess articles written by IM Richard Palliser for the Hull Sports Mail. Well worth a read." There is also a group photo from 1975 at the bottom of the page including the at that time 40 year old Eric.
You will find previous information on Eric Fischer via our 2006 entry.
After four years (see 2004) Johannes Fischer Fischer is again present in our section, he celebrated his 45th birthday on September 12th. Some changes are to be noted with him, so in the meantime he has settled in Nuremberg and he has also left the editorial staff of KARL, but remained a regular contributor to this magazine. We also find a whole lot of articles from his pen in ChessBase News (if you do a search there by inserting his name), and besides he has done the English translation of our book Obliged to Tradition ...
There will follow now three real anniversaries: only one day later Hanspeter Suwe from Winsen/Holstein could look back on six whole decades, on him too we have given a more detailed report in 2004. The leisure time of our specialist in castling matters is still completely absorbed by editing his magazine König & Turm which is now published in the 9th year and could celebrate an anniversary with its latest number as well, as the July issue 2008 was No 25! After the withdrawal of his two co-editors Andreas Thoma and Stephen Rothwell from the editorial team he has to manage the tasks facing him on his own, for this we wish him the staying power which distinguished him up to now, and we hope that his selfless commitment for this project will still last for a long time! On September 23rd the time had come for our member Fred van der Vliet from The Hague, he turned "60" as well. He was last in our focus in 2005, about his book Chess in former German, now Polish territories (published in a small edition) a contribution by Henryk Konaszczuk has appeared on Tomasz Lissowski’s web site (unfortunately in Polish; with a picture of the author): Fred also joined in the von der Lasa Symposium at Kórnik, 2007 where he pleased the audience with a talk on G.C.A. Oskam (see photo report page 3).
Our Californian friend John Donaldson had completed half a century on September 25th, since his first introduction (in September 2004) he has been very active again as an author and has produced several first and second editions: Imre König (1st ed., 2005); A Legend On the Road. Bobby Fischer’s 1964 Simul Tour (2nd ed., 2005); The Life & Games of Akiba Rubinstein. Volume 1 - Uncrowned King (with Nikolay Minev; 2nd ed., 2006); A Strategic Opening Repertoire (2nd ed., 2008). Furthermore he has contributed to our Lasker biography a chapter on Lasker in the early twenties. All participants in the coming Brunswick-Dresden-(Wroclaw) tour will be pleased to see John again – he is the captain of the US team at the Olympiad and has already promised that he will come to Brunswick (anniversary celebrations 5 years of KWA).
PS: You will find all previous birthday greetings in our archives!