Preview: Visit to Kórnik

On 18-20 October, Herbert Bastian, president of the German Chess Federation, and Michael Negele, commissioner for the history and culture of chess, were on a visit to Kórnik Castle (and to the Biblioteka Kórnicka), were they also had the opportunity for an informal meeting with some representatives of the Polish Chess Federation. We give only a very short preview.
Our friend and member Tomasz Lissowski had organized this visit very well, we will report on it in more detail later on. The estate of Tassilo von Heydebrand und der Lasa is still a well preserved treasure trove for chess historians, certainly only partly exploited by now, and the new curator, Mrs. Monika Małecka kindly supported the visitors in their research.
A report on the event (in German) is already available on the web site of the DSB: Besuch an einem mystischen Ort.
This visit has renewed the relations to our Polish friends and certainly offers good prospects for joint projects in future.
Michael Negele's chess activities over the last weeks (Prague chess train 9-13 October; Symposium "Schach (in) der DDR", Dresden, 16-17 October; as well as the above Kórnik event) will be the subject of a coming update.