On New Year: Pictures of an eventful autumn
Photo report by Michael Negele
On New Year: Pictures of an eventful autumn
Dear friends of the Ken Whyld Association,
it’s already a bit of a tradition for us to start the new year with a short and illustrated look back – less the words than the events should motivate all of you to appear "in front of my lens" as well at the one or other of the many opportunities in the coming months.
So pictures may be found of the last TV match Vlastimil Hort vs Helmut Pfleger played in the WDR studio at Köln-Böcklemund (2005-08-21, Pope’s day in Cologne), see also the (German) ChessBase report Die letzte Partie im WDR (Das Ende einer Ära).

Hans-Jürgen Fresen and new member Norbert Fieberg waiting full of suspense ...

Günter Wallraff was one of the spectators too, according to the interview his relation to chess comes from "completely down".

Rarely I had such a competent and patient analyzing partner: impressing two hours over the board together with GM Artur Jussupow.

For the last time "a mood of excitement" for Dr. Claus Spahn, - Quo vadis, Chess in German TV?
On October 20th the official opening of the Emanuel Lasker Exhibition took place in the "Dorlandhaus" in Berlin.

Stefan Hansen, managing shareholder of the Dorland advertising agency in Berlin and simultaneously the present "driving force" of the Emanuel Lasker Society inaugurates the event on Thursday evening (2005-10-20). [ >> Opening of the Lasker Exhibition in Berlin: "The Delights of Thinking"]

85-year-old Isaak Linder pays tribute to Emanuel Lasker - very personal reminiscences.

Susanna Poldauf-Klünder, the curator of the exhibition achieved something really excellent.

Analysis with the pieces and at the chess table of the WCh 1910 – and over everything there "hangs" Emanuel Lasker; the photo shows among others Thomas Weischede (ELS), Matthias Wüllenweber (ChessBase) and "FRITZ’ voice" Matthias Deutschmann, cabaret artist and Susan Polgar’s opponent of the evening.

Early in the morning the topics were - in spite of the serious expressions - less serious but more witty (stimulated by wine): from the left Paul Werner Wagner, Jurgen Stigter, Raj Tischbierek, Matthias Deutschmann and a friend of PWW.

KWA friends at the 7th symposium of the Initiative Group Königstein – you can make out Mr Ulrich Liermann (ELS), Rolf Reinhardt and Norbert Fieberg ...

... then the couple Barbara and Hans Holländer as well as Lothar Schmid.

A fine talk on Ilja Maiselis (and Lasker) was given by the irrepressible Yuri Averbakh.

Ernst Strouhal and Ulrich Schädler studying with interest the IGK programme.
Impressions from Viktor Korchnoi's simul on Friday afternoon
On Saturday (2005-10-22) the Lasker Rapid Tournament followed where the grandmasters Viktor Korchnoi, Yuri Averbakh and Wolfgang Unzicker took part – a fantastic experience for me as the pictures will show.
How could I ever have imagined to cross swords with such chess icons like Unzicker or Korchnoi ... (After all only Viktor the Terrible could terribly beat me up; against the "kind" Munich honorary member of the Emanuel Lasker Society I could snatch a draw from the jaws of defeat.)
W. Unzicker - M. Negele -
W. Unzicker - V. Kortschnoi -
V. Kortschnoi - M. Negele

The leading group of the tournament, but there were actually only "winners" on this beautiful day.

A great end: satisfied at "Lasker’s" desk – at least the cigar was not original ...
Meeting in Brunswick during and after the 47th auction in the house Klittich-Pfankuch (November 19th, 2005)

"Exhausted" but after all happy, not only due to the purchase of the fine Zukertort biography: Claes Løfgren and Bernd Schippan.

"Proud" and rightly satisfied: Jurgen Stigter who brought Yuletide No 2 and our new "Ken Whyld poster" to Brunswick. Andreas Saremba is surely pleased with his buy at the auction and leafs through the catalogue.

Shop-talk about the database project: Roger Klittich explains the bookseller’s and antiquarian’s point of view.

Illustrious circle at the late-night dinner in the well-established Italian restaurant Al Duomo: Claes Løfgren, Jurgen Stigter, ...

... Jurgen Stigter and Michael Negele. Many subjects were under discussion, the meeting at Copenhagen on April 8th and 9th, 2006 was one of them.
At the close of this eventful year a more private visit gave me a lot of pleasure.

Welcome guests in December in the wintry city of Wuppertal: Pierre Voss and Geurt Gijssen ...

... later on in Solingen-Ohligs visiting an Italian restaurant: also Bernd Schneider and (on the right) his friend Joel Adler (from Switzerland) took part.