On a Visit to a Salta Evening at Brunswick
Report by Ralf Binnewirtz
59th Klittich-Pfankuch Auction with an Attractive Entertainment Program
This year again the Brunswick auction house Klittich-Pfankuch has significantly enhanced the summery June auction by a special event, after the viewing on Friday afternoon (24th of June) customers and guests were invited to a pleasurable Salta evening which took place in the well-known auction hall on Theaterwall.
![Salta pages, from: Erwin Glonnegger, Das Spiele-Buch (Uehlfeld, 1999)](assets/images/7/Salta-6ea75e7f.jpg)
Once more (after the Laska lecture in the previous year) Prof. Wolfgang Angerstein was willing to deliver a talk in order to give us an understanding of this nowadays widely unknown board game – in the specified time frame of one hour he gave a peppy amusing lecture on this game which he has dealt with thoroughly for about 10 years. His very successful presentation was met with hearty applause.
You can view the Powerpoint slides of his talk here as PDF, as well as a List of sources on Salta (both in the member section only!).
Subsequent to the lecture a short tribute to our host Roger Klittich was due - he had celebrated his 75th birthday at the beginning of the month, more precisely on June 3rd. On this occasion, but especially in recognition of his long-time services to the Ken Whyld Association our board members Guy Van Habberney, Michael Negele and Jurgen Stigter offered their congratulations and spoke short words of appreciation.
![Chairman Guy Van Habberney holding a short address](files/kwabc/news/2011/06/braunschweig/klittich_11.jpg)
Naturally adequate gifts for the such honoured were obligatory – at this both the physical well-being (by a box with selected Spanish wine) and the mental edification (by a superb chess book) was provided for.
The planned Salta tournament was not held due to a humble participation, only two free games were played here.
![Andreas Saremba and Jurgen Stigter playing a game of Salta](files/kwabc/news/2011/06/braunschweig/klittich_24.jpg)
A public viewing of the guest book of the Chess Club Braunschweig Gliesmarode (with numerous valuable autographs) was not possible but Michael Negele will soon provide a digital edition of this remarkable rarity.
PS (01/08/2011): Meanwhile this has been done, please see our page BSC Guestbook!
![Johannes Zylla, deputy chairman of the Chess Club Braunschweig Gliesmarode von 1869](files/kwabc/news/2011/06/braunschweig/klittich_14.jpg)
Moreover we should mention that the SC Braunschweig Gliesmarode von 1869 possesses an outstanding chess library which even holds very rare items from the early 16th century.
Just from the printing press came the new commemorative publication 150 Jahre Schachbund Nordrhein-Westfalen, a 30-page booklet printed in color and distributed by co-author Hans-Jürgen Fresen:
![Jurgen Stigter with the new "Festschrift", behind Hans-Jürgen Fresen and Matthias Limberg.](files/kwabc/news/2011/06/braunschweig/Klittich_09.jpg)
In the evening we met in the restaurant Al Duomo for a late-night dinner, Per Skjoldager and Jørn Erik Nielsen had brought an advance copy of their new Nimzowitsch book (Aron Nimzowitsch On the Road to Chess Mastery, 1886-1924) which is announced to appear in spring 2012, see the new McFarland leaflet.
Presumably you will read more about this auction in our next CSQ newsletter No 5.
You can find a selection of 15 additional pictures in this photo gallery. (Photos in this report by Michael Negele and Andreas Saremba.)
PS (12/07/2011): Prof. Angerstein has sent us additional photos from the Salta evening which we present in this second gallery.
Finally great thanks go to the complete team of the House Klittich-Pfankuch for a perfectly performed and successful event and of course to Prof. Wolfgang Angerstein for his marvelous presentation.