Michael Negele's chess tours II

A chess man came travelling ...
Michael Negele's chess tours
in the 2nd half of 2015 - Part II
The second part of Michael’s chess tours focuses on the CCI meeting in Trier ...
Meeting of the German Section of CCI on 6-8 November in Trier
Trier, the Augusta Treverorum of the old Romans, claims to be the oldest town of Germany, and it is also the birthplace of our chess traveller Michael Negele - there he has grown up and has become a member of the long-established local chess club SG Trier 1877 in his youth. So it is no wonder that Michael hasn't missed the chance not only to attend the meeting, but also to give once more one of his most entertaining lectures, naturally this time with many references to his hometown.
As customary, the meeting had been perfectly prepared and organized by the current German CCI chairman Wolfgang Angerstein and the former chairman Thomas Thomsen, and besides a series of promising lectures an excursion to Luxemburg was on the programme for paying a visit to the home of CCI member Reinhard Egert who owns a fascinating collection of chess sets. Nicholas Lanier has already published a detailed report on the whole event, so I will confine myself to give a selection of photos.
The venue of the meeting -
Thomas Thomsen and Wolfgang Angersteins welcome the attendees - only 46 this time, much less than in Weimar the year before. -
Franz Josef Lang with an appeal for strategies to find new and especially younger members, in view of the very unfavourable age distribution of the CCI. A problem which is - to a lesser degree - also extant in the KWF&A. -
Patrice Plain, CCI president France, announces the next World CCI Congress which will be held in Paris in May 2016. -
Marcus Pilz reported on the state of research as to the medieval chess pieces made of rock crystal. -
Michael Negele gave a lecture aptly titled "The Mess with Marx and some other Trier Chess Gossip", combined with some chess questions to the auditorium - we can offer here his presentation slides as PDF (3.7 MB). (Karl Marx [1818-1883] was a son of Trier!)
We can offer here his presentation slides as PDF (3.7 MB). (Karl Marx [1818-1883] was a son of Trier!)
KARL editor Harry Schaack offered an evaluation of the number of chess collectors on our planet, resulting in 426 people, which seems to be a quite small quantity. -
Wolfgang Angerstein in front of the new Homepage of CCI Deutschland -
Jens-Frieder Mükke presented the concept of the new web site which is expected to be up and running in early 2016 - he will also be the future webmaster. -
Michael Wiltshire, CCI President Great Britain (on the right, with Nicholas Lanier), spoke about a very early (Habsburg) travel chess set, bearing the inscription "Pressburg 1830". -
Nicholas Lanier showing the travel set to Hartmut Hoppe (left) and J.P. Goerens (right).
Finally Barbara Holländer dealt with an old chess club constituted by four men only, founded in 1852 by the theologian (and member of a student fraternity) Heinrich A. Riemann in Friedland, north-eastern Germany. That quartet exclusively focused on a certain four-handed chess (according to The Classified Encyclopedia of Chess Variants by D.B. Pritchard four-handed chess variants were quite popular at that time especially in Germany and England).
For a reproduction of this lecture see www.schachmuseum.com/vierschach-in-friedland...
Here an enlarged version of the certificate.
Design and layout by Desiree Astor (Erkrath-Hochdahl),
Frame and leaf gilding by Christiane Becker (Krefeld-Hüls),
The auditorium -
GM Helmut Pfleger -
Michael Negele with Barbara and Hans Holländer -
Adelheid Klittich with Karl Klittich and Marion Oeben-Negele with her Standard Poodle Bruna. -
Ralf Niederhäuser with Helmut Pfleger -
Marie-Theres and Andreas Saremba -
In Luxemburg, Reinhard Egert with his wife Anita and Helmut Pfleger -
Reinhard Egert with Hans Ellinger (on the right) -
Only a few more chess sets ... -
Marie-Theres Saremba with Anita Egert -
The CCI group in the sunroom -
Back to Trier - start of the guided city tour on Sunday morning -
In front of the famous Porta Nigra -
On the "Hauptmarkt" (Main market square) -
Group photo of the (German) guided tour at the St George's Fountain on the "Kornmarkt"
* * *
On 21 November, some days before his trip to Bamberg, Michael Negele still payed a visit to collector friend Matthias Limberg in Oberhausen who is one of the youngest KWA members. We offer two photos ...
Photographs © Andreas Saremba (Brieselang) and Dr. Michael Negele (Wuppertal)
To be continued.