KWA meeting Kiel

This year’s general meeting of the KWA was held in Kiel. Our chairman has provided a short report of the event, and again we can offer a lot of photos.
[Updated 23-12-2015: Siegfried Schönle's résumé in KARL 4/2015]
Here is Guy Van Habberney’s summary:
On October 9-11, our Association held its annual meeting in the Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesbibliothek in Kiel. On Friday, several members had already converged upon the library to do some research in the collection of Gerd Meyer and Wilhelm Massman. The library offers a very pleasant environment with friendly and helpful staff members.
On Saturday, some 20 people gathered to attend the KWA annual meeting, which was followed by several interesting lectures. The entire event was superbly organized by Andreas Saremba.
Dr. Jens Ahlers started with a nice overview of the history of the library, which also included a guided tour 'behind the scenes' of the library. It must be said that both Meyer and Massman could not have found a better home for their collections.
Subsequently, Siegfried Schonle treated the audience on a virtual tour through the life and collection of Gerd Meyer. Were the man still alive, he certainly would have become a member!
Siegfried had lots of material, and the KWA members attending his lecture were treated afterwards on a free copy of his earlier book, "Chess Treasures from Lübeck". [Here is the 2nd title page of the edition distributed in Kiel.]
Then it was the turn to Per Skjoldager, who informed the audience about the truly spectacular advances he made in our chess bibliography project.
Finally, Tony Gillam lectured about the life and (chess) works of Paul Felix Schmidt, a contemporary of Paul Keres, who was almost lost in the mists of time, but whose memory will be rescued in a forthcoming book by Michael Negele and Tony Gillam.
As a cherry on the pie, the library donated free copies of the first Massman catalog to those attending.
Over lunch, we were treated with nice sandwiches and drinks by the library, and the day was concluded with a nice dinner. Those staying on till Sunday ended the KWA meeting with a boat tour in the port of Kiel. The weather was beautiful and a good time was had by all.
[PS 23-12-2015]: In KARL 4/2015, p. 12, Siegfried Schönle has given a résumé of the meeting (in German). Here is the corresponding PDF (courtesy of KARL editor Harry Schaack).
Below we give a selection of photographs.
The traditional group photo of the attendees -
In the library - Hanspeter Suwe, in the background Per Skjoldager and Egbert Meissenburg -
Henri Serruys with Dr. Jens Ahlers in the archives -
Countless boxes filled with documents ... -
... and Gerd Meyer's correspondence with other collectors. -
In the exhibition room - in the foreground Bert Corneth and Bob van de Velde -
Another view of the glass cabinets -
Siegfried Schönle with Jurgen Stigter -
Guy Van Habberney welcomes the attendees. -
Dr. Jens Ahlers gives his talk. -
Guy Van Habberney and Dr. Jens Ahlers with two copies of the "Festschriften-Bibliografie" Obliged to Tradition ... (unfortunately this photo is a little blurred) -
The attentive audience, from left: Hanspeter Suwe, Bert Corneth, Elke Rehder with her husband and Egbert Meissenburg -
Bert Corneth on the podium -
Siegfried Schönle with his presentation - below a larger view of the book ... -
... with a bookplate and letter by Gerd Meyer -
the original dedication in Gerd Meyer's SELENUS copy -
Tony Gillam delivers a lecture on Paul Schmidt -
The artist Elke Rehder was a guest of our meeting, for Andreas Saremba's visit to her home in 2014 see Visit to a German Chess Artist -
Sunday boat tour on the "Kieler Fjörde" - Tony Gillam, Jurgen Stigter and Bert Corneth -
Bert Corneth squinting in the sun -
Siegfried Schönle with his wife Petra Lootz
Guy Van Habberney and Henri Serruys were on a visit to Lübeck on Sunday:
Photographs provided by Andreas Saremba, Siegfried Schönle and Guy Van Habberney.