Juan Morgado and his opus magnum

by Bob van de Velde
For chess historians, bibliographers or collectors – in short for most members of our membership – Argentina is from their point of view a far away country that doesn’t show many unsuspected or exciting activities on their field of interest. That’s to say, at first Eurocentric sight this can seem so. However, here too, as is so often is the case, a first sight leads to a wrong view. Of course, we all know that the two events that probably had the most far-reaching consequences in the modern chess history, took place on Argentinian soil in the second quarter of the 20th century: the world championship match between Capablanca and Alekhine in 1927, and the 8th Chess Olympiad in 1939. The first event had a major impact on the participation in the top tournaments in the ‘30’s as Alekhine didn’t want to play his rival in a tournament; because of the outbreak of the 2nd World War during the tournament, the second event had an enormous effect on the organised chess world in almost every aspect.
Both events however have in common that the reporting mostly came from European hands – participants, administrators, journalists, eyewitnesses –, anyway, rarely observations and reflections were heard from Argentinian side, neither can we say that abundantly South-American sources were cited. But this situation drastically has changed since in 2012 our member Juan Sebastián Morgado has begun to publish his Complete history of Argentine chess.
Morgado, based in Buenos Aires, is one of the very few members of our Association in South America, but is compensating this deplored matter of fact by his being always very helpful when asked for information, giving support in searching editions, etc., and now since 2021 no less by an impressing production of chess historical publications, anyway since 2012. His Complete history is now nearing completion. The latest list of published volumes contains 19 (!) titles. They are as hard cover, paperback or ebook available through amazon.com or amazon.ca, contain 500+ (!) pages each (format 21x28x3cm), with many illustrations, games and diagrams. Buyers of paperback or hardcover books can request to receive excerpts in PDF format to morgadojuansebastian@gmail.com
The list of published volumes looks like this:
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Los centenarios del ajedrez argentino 1905 - 1921
Lasker, Capablanca, Kostic y el Gran Torneo Nacional

- PublisherIndependently published, 2022
- ISBN978-9874743701
- Languagesspanish
- Pages536
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Los centenarios del ajedrez argentino 1921 - 1924
Reca - Villegas, visita de Reti y fundación de la FADA

- PublisherIndependently published, 2022
- ISBN979-8804855285
- Languagesspanish
- Pages526
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
El encuentro por el título mundial Capablanca vs Alekhine 1927
Argentina hacia las ligas mayores 1925 – 1927 Tomo 1

- PublisherAjedrez de Estilo, 2020
- ISBN978-9874743756
- Languagesspanish
- Pages580
- Formatspaperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
El encuentro por el título mundial Capablanca vs Alekhine 1927
Argentina hacia las ligas mayores 1927 – 1929 Tomo 2

- PublisherAjedrez de Estilo, 2020
- ISBN978-9874743763
- Languagesspanish
- Pages584
- Formatspaperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
El impresionante Torneo de Ajedrez de las Naciones 1939 Tomo 1
El Politeama y los prolegómenos

- Publisher Independently published, 2021
- ISBN979-8752466380
- Languagesspanish
- Pages534
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
El impresionante Torneo de Ajedrez de las Naciones 1939 Tomo 2
Desarrollo, euforia y drama final

- Publisher Independently published, 2022
- ISBN979-8759154259
- Languagesspanish
- Pages546
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
El impresionante Torneo de Ajedrez de las Naciones 1939 Tomo 3
Los inmigrantes enriquecen al ajedrez argentino

- Publisher Independently published, 2022
- ISBN979-8430421502
- Languagesspanish
- Pages530
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y peronismo 1944/1945
Ajedrez durante el primer peronismo

- PublisherIndependently published, 2021
- ISBN979-8521826964
- Languagesspanish
- Pages510
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y peronismo 1946
El ajedrez en la llamada “Nueva Argentina” peronista

- PublisherIndependently published, 2021
- ISBN979-8424294808
- Languagesspanish
- Pages518
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y Peronismo 1947
El ajedrez en la llamada “Nueva Argentina” peronista

- PublisherIndependently published, 2022
- ISBN979-8424294808
- Languagesspanish
- Pages518
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y peronismo 1948 – 1949
Che Guevara, Najdorf, subsidios e irrupción del peronismo en la FADA

- PublisherIndependently published, 2022
- ISBN979-8841397113
- Languagesspanish
- Pages544
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y peronismo 1950 – 1951
Perón anuncia el dominio de la energía atómica y Najdorf lidera el ajedrez

- PublisherIndependently published, 2022
- ISBN979-8848421002
- Languagesspanish
- Pages550
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y Peronismo 1952
Épica en Helsinki

- PublisherAjedrez de Estilo, 2022
- ISBN978-9874850454
- Languagesspanish
- Pages462
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y Peronismo 1953
Detenidos políticos y ajedrez espectáculo

- PublisherAjedrez de Estilo, 2022
- ISBN978-9874850461
- Languagesspanish
- Pages484
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y peronismo 1954
De la cumbre al abismo sin escalas: el ajedrez en problemas

- PublisherAjedrez de Estilo, 2022
- ISBN978-9874850478
- Languagesspanish
- Pages522
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez y peronismo 1955
Desastre argentino

- PublisherAjedrez de Estilo, 2023
- ISBN978-9874850485
- Languagesspanish
- Pages550
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez en la década infame 1930 – 1932
Tartakower en Argentina, Grau en San Remo y Maderna en el Geniol

- PublisherAjedrez de Estilo, 2023
- ISBN978-9874850492
- Languagesspanish
- Pages550
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez en la década infame 1933 - 1934
Nazismo, ascenso de Piazzini y V Campeonato Sudamericano

- PublisherAjedrez de Estilo, 2023
- ISBN978-9878291307
- Languagesspanish
- Pages550
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
Juan Sebastián Morgado
Ajedrez en la década infame 1935 - 1937
Nazismo, Grau, Olimpíadas de Varsovia 1935 y Estocolmo 1937

- PublisherIndependently published, 2023
- ISBN979-8392659678
- Languagesspanish
- Pages550
- Formatshardback, paperback, ebook
- Linkamazon.com
For 2024 he has promised the concluding volumes. These focus on the period 1800-1904 (one volume) and the years 1956-1960 (three volumes). This effort will bring the number of volumes of his opus magnum on 23.
The original idea of this collection came from Prof. Zoilo R. Caputto (1923-2021), author of an enormous work on Artistic Chess. Already the titles of the volumes make it clear that Juan Morgado considers the Argentinian chess history as part of the socio-political history of Argentina, which is based of the Argentine thinker Ezequiel Martínez Estrada (1895-1964) and his idea of historical and social invariants.
Therefore he is looking at both famous international milestone events in 1927 and 1939 also with Argentinian eyes and is using a lot of contemporary Argentinian sources that are mostly unknown to European chess historians. Among other things this leads to a different view on the controversial election of Augusto De Muro as FIDE-president instead of the reelection of the Dutch president Alexander Rueb, founder of the FIDE, during the Olympiad in 1939. Anyway, the 3 volumes on that tournament will be a most welcome addition to Justin Corfield’s Pawns in a greater game; The Buenos Aires Chess Olympiad, August - September 1939 (Lara, Victoria, Australia 2015).
Chess historians who doesn’t have enough reading knowledge of the Spanish language will deplore that the Complete history of Argentine chess has not been written in English. As it seems highly improbable that ever a complete translation will be published, there is nothing left to them than to brush up their Spanish (I myself need a very stiff brush …). However, it must be possible to produce an extended English summary of volumes dedicated to the events in 1927 and 1939. Perhaps it can be a task for our Association to stimulate such a translated summary. A prototype of such a summary I published on our website on 2020-02-16 (Juan Sebastián Morgado: El impresionante Torneo de Ajedrez de las Naciones 1939) as result of the publication of the 3 volumes of El impresionante Torneo de Ajedrez de las Naciones 1939.
In The Netherlands the national Mind Sports Collection Centre of the library Tresoar (Leeuwarden, capital of the province Frisia) has ordered for the complete set of volumes; most of them can already be found in its catalogue.
Bob van de Velde
[UPDATED 2023-05-20]