First meeting of the Amsterdam Group
On November 30, 2002, a group of about 20 chess enthusiasts (collectors, chess historians, librarians and second-hand booksellers) met in Johannes Vermeerstraat 37 at the invitation of the Dutch collector Jurgen Stigter.

Persons present included (list incomplete):
Yuri Averbakh (Russia), Ken Whyld (UK), Peter Holmgren (Sweden), Walter Simon (Vienna), Bert Corneth, Hans Engberts, Harold van der Heijden, René van der Heijden, Joop Jansen, Gert Timmerman (all Netherland), Harald Balló, Ralf Binnewirtz, Norbert Fieberg, Hans-Jürgen Fresen, Horst Lüders, Michael Negele (all Germany).

The project proposed by Jurgen Stigter comprises a complete bibliography of all known chess literature. By intensive use of today’s technology (Internet, electronic databases) this idea should have a good chance of realization.

A decision was made to adopt the name ”Amsterdam Group” initially. The preliminary Board consists of Jurgen Stigter and Michael Negele.

In order to find out how much interest there is in this project world-wide, a questionnaire survey by e-mail should be directed to as many collectors as possible. The questionnaire should also ask if the addressees were willing to assist. Michael Negele agrees to take on this job. The result of this survey will determine further procedures.
Bert Corneth, Hans Engberts, Peter Holmgren -
Michael Negele, Hans-Jürgen Fresen, Jurgen Stigter (12/21/2002 in Wuppertal)