Festschrift Alessandro Sanvito

In Honour of Alessandro Sanvito

Luca D'Ambrosio, Antonio Rosino,
Siegfried Schönle, Jurgen Stigter
Festschrift in honour of Alessandro Sanvito. Volume 1

Four members of the Ken Whyld Association as editors and numerous other authors from several continents pay tribute to the chess historian Alessandro Sanvito by an extensive commemorative publication (Festschrift) to mark his 70th jubilee.

The Festschrift for Alessandro Sanvito, a member of the KWA as well, honours a prominent, internationally accepted chess researcher of the presence and his scholarly achievements. This first volume includes 26 contributions to different topics. Nine works in German, eight in English and five in Italian are completed by a few contributions in Dutch, Russian and Spanish language.

In addition to historical and bibliographical also literary and biographical subjects have been incorporated, as well as problem chess and articles about peripheral regions of chess. At the beginning the biography of the "Jubilar" is offered in German and Italian.
The coexistence of special professional articles and other contributions to chess which turn more to generally interested chess lovers gives the book a special charm. This first volume contains predominantly the contributions of authors whose last name belongs to the first half of the alphabet.

This commemorative publication is certainly an important book on modern Italian chess research, at the same time it is an interesting collector's item.

The Biography of the "Jubilar" in this FESTSCHRIFT (commemorative publication) was written by Alwis Wyroyce and can of course be read in A. Sanvito’s native language as well (Biografia).

The Preface is given in three languages (Vorwort, Prefazione).

The international membership of the KWA is also reflected in the internationality of the authors and their contributions (Inhalt, Contents, Contenuto).
A few will be highlighted.
From Italy Luca D'Ambrosio contributes with a bilingual bibliography to the innumerous works from the pen of the "Jubilar". Iván Bottlik from Hungary describes four Hungarian chess masters and Peter Monté from the Netherlands devotes in his work to the short novel of the Austrian writer Stefan Zweig which has been translated into numerous languages. A bibliography of the secondary literature on The Royal Game was prepared by Egbert Meissenburg.

Alessandro Sanvito with the volume dedicated to him - D'Ambrosio et al.: Festschrift in Honour of Alessandro Sanvito

After a lengthy joint cooperation the Jubilar is happy to have finally the book in his hands and he sincerely thanks all authors and contributors from all over the world!

The publisher and the editors hope very much to address with this FESTSCHRIFT (commemorative publication) not only the reading interests of KWA members but also to be able to interest further chess book collectors worldwide.

Luca D'Ambrosio, Antonio Rosino, Siegfried Schönle, Jurgen Stigter


Luca D’Ambrosio, Antonio Rosino, Siegfried Schönle, Jurgen Stigter (Herausgeber, Editors, Editori).
Festschrift zu Ehren Alessandro Sanvitos.
Internationale Beiträge zur Geschichte und Bibliografie des Schachspiels.
Vindobona [Wien]: Refordis Verlag, 2010. Erster Band, 701 Seiten.
Editionen zu je 32 nummerierten Exemplaren. Preis 279,40 € plus Versand.

Festschrift in Honour of Alessandro Sanvito.
International Contributions to the History and Bibliography of Chess.
Vindobona [Vienna]: Refordis Verlag, 2010. First volume, 701 pages.
Each edition comprises copies numbered 1-32. Price 279,40 € plus shipping.

Pubblicazione giubilare in onore di Alessandro Sanvito.
Contributi internazionali sulla storia e la bibliografia degli scacchi.
Vindobona [Wien]: Refordis Verlag, 2010. Primo volume, 701 pagine.
Edizioni di 32 copie numerate. 279,40 € più spedizione.

The editors, authors, co-workers and translators contributed their work free of charge in honour of the jubilarian. This book is financially supported by Refordis Verlag only.

Alle Herausgeber, Autoren, Mitarbeiter und Übersetzer haben ihre Leistungen unbezahlt zu Ehren des Jubilars erbracht. Das Buch ist finanziell nur vom Refordis Verlag gestützt.

There is a reduced price for the authors.
For an insured shipping within Europe 17 € are billed.

Editions will be printed of up to 32 copies each, numbered page by page, buckram, stampings in gold, rounded corners.


Order from:
Refordis Verlag Publishing GmbH
Niederhofstrasse 10-12/ 6/ 3
A-1120 Vienna
Österreich, Austria

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