Brunswick was again worth a visit!
Pictorial report on the visit of Brunswick in November 2011 by Ralf Binnewirtz
60th Auction of the Antiquarian Bookseller A. Klittich-Pfankuch with a Social Supporting Programme
On Friday, 18/11/2011 Bernd Schneider and Ralf Binnewirtz arrived in time (i.e. shortly before 11 am) at Michael Negele's home in Wuppertal to leave for Brunswick, alone the delivery of the Australian-New Zealand bibliography from Belgrade was delayed or rather had not been disposed by the truck company in Hagen. After Michael had called the company several times, the truck with the book parcels finally appeared on Gellertweg at about 11.30 am - just early enough to arrive the previewing at the Brunswick auction house Klittich-Pfankuch in the afternoon.
Having arrived in Brunswick after a smooth trip, we directly headed for Theaterwall 17 (meanwhile the only address of the antiquarian bookshop after the termination of the retail shop Kleine Burg 12). A considerable number of collectors were already busy there to peer their "objects of desire" - the 60th auction on the following Saturday offered again a number of rare items and promised fierce bidding combats...
Below some pictures from Friday afternoon:
Bob van de Velde concentrates on inspecting his selection. -
Andreas Saremba talking with Roger Klittich -
Lothar Schmid had followed the "birdcall" to Brunswick as well. -
The KWA webmaster with Hans-Jürgen Fresen. -
Our host Roger Klittich, in the meantime honorary member of the KWA board. -
For refreshment of the guests choice beverages and tasty snacks were offered. From left: Hans-Jürgen Fresen, Bernd Schneider, Per Skjoldager, Matthias Limberg, Ralf Binnewirtz, Andreas Saremba, Bob van de Velde. -
Jurgen Stigter appeared in a new outfit (red T-shirt). -
Calle Erlandsson with Dr. Karl Klittich and our new Swedish member Jan Clementsson. Mrs. Klittich, the fairy godmother of the auction house, comes into view only indistinctly in the background.
Unfortunately there are no photos of the facsimile copy of the "Codex Alfonso" - Libro de los Juegos de Ajedrez, Dados y Tablas de Alfonso X el Sabio – including the big commentary volume which could be admired both in the next room. The "Codex" was bound in ochre yellow leather (a not very attractive color, just based on the original), anyway the printing in brilliant colors on lamb parchment was most exquisite. The halving of the price (usually 16,880 €) was due to the fact that it was an unnumbered reserve copy of the edition. I am not aware if this real gem has found a purchaser...
From 7 pm the announced KWA meeting took place in the restaurant "Al Duomo" where also Thomas Thomsen, the chairman of Chess Collectors International, appeared to the surprise of all. After an address of welcome by our chairman Guy Van Habberney, the official part proceeded with the presentation of the new bibliographies of which we could offer three at once - a novelty in the history of our association.
Our treasurer Michael Negele started first with presenting volume III of the Yugoslavian Bibliography by Prof. Dušan Drajić, published already in September with the same sturdy get-up of the two preceding volumes. The Bibliography of the Australian-New Zealand Chess Literature (4th edition) came from the same Belgrade printing press and also has a nearly identical cover design. The hardback edition with glossy paper and color pictures gives a very pleasing impression of quality.
Subsequently Henri Serruys and Guy Van Habberney, the two authors of the Bibliography of Belgian Chess Literature, shared the task to present their new work to the audience. Although only the softcover edition was available in Brunswick (a hardback edition is still in preparation), the volume - equipped lavishly with illustrations - and the throughout beautiful color printing (also with color highlighting of text passages) looks exquisitely attractive.
The short welcoming speech by our chairman Guy Van Habberney was given in German! - Sitting: Bert Corneth with his son. -
Happy authors: Henri Serruys presenting the Belgian bibliography... -
... and co-author Guy Van Habberney. -
A few photos of the audience: Here (from left) Thomas Thomsen, Lothar Schmid, Michael Utt and his wife Rita who had arrived from Texas. -
Ralf Binnewirtz, Matthias Limberg, Bernd Schneider and Godehard Murkisch -
Bob van de Velde, Andreas Saremba, Jurgen Stigter, Calle Erlandsson and Per Skjoldager
Thomas Thomsen too had brought new chess literature which he briefly presented: Two catalogs - one about "Cast iron chessmen" and another about "Miniature chess sets" - see for that also Thomas Thomsen's online report on the CCI meeting at La Tour-de-Peilz in October 2011; as well as a lovely book on the cultural history of chess: History through Chess by Nikolai Timoshuk, see

Finally also Calle Erlandsson had a chance to speak, he showed us a new (and very nice) chronicle from the pen of our Norwegian member Øystein Brekke:
Historien om en sjakklubb Schakklubben av 1911 i 100 år
More details about it on the shop page of Øystein Brekke:
The subsequent evening meal with a pleasant get-together should be remembered as well with a few snapshots:
On Saturday morning an informal meeting of the KWA members could be arranged as the auction didn't start before noontime. The results of the discussion are summarized in this linked PDF file (in our member section only).
Below three pictures of this meeting in the restaurant "Knochenhauer" (opposite to the auction house) - unfortunately the only waitress there was so busy that we were literally "left high and dry" (but that was not detrimental to our good temper).
The list of results of the again very successful auction can be downloaded from the website of the antiquarian bookshop Klittich-Pfankuch, certainly we will still go into this auction in our next KWA newsletter.
Finally two additional photographs, taken after the auction: