Bonn Impressions
Michael Negele at the World Chess Championship Bonn 2008
Pictures of the World Championship 2008
This year's world championship match between Anand and Kramnik which took place at Bonn from 14 to 29 October is past history now, and meanwhile all chess media have dealt with it in great detail. We would like to add to the existing reports some picture galleries which we owe to Michael Negele's activities and visits of Bonn.
Picture gallery 1 (20 photos) from October 15th / 2nd game

There were several panel talks being part of the supporting programme which were offered at the commentary room (parallel to the games). You will get an overview of the complete programme on the page
On October 15th Michael Negele met Helmut Pfleger on the stage for a talk of 1.5 hours on Die Lust am Denken - das Schach- und Mathematik-Genie Emanuel Lasker [The pleasure of thinking - the chess and mathematical genius Emanuel Lasker].
Three video-recordings of this event are linked at the web site of!

The subject "Chess and Art" was made palatable to the visitors by a series of exhibits, among other things quite a lot of works by the artist Ugo Dossi were shown in the commentary room.
Just at the first day (14 October) a panel talk of Ugo Dossi with Robert von Weizsäcker had taken place.
Further information on Ugo Dossi:
Ugo Dossi's homepage
Schach & Kunst - German-Russian first edition (pdf file)
Aus Schach wird Kunst - Interview Dr. René Gralla with Ugo Dossi / expanded reprint from Neues Deutschland (at ChessBase, in German only)
You may admire some further chess paintings in our picture gallery 2 (7 photos).
On the occasion of the 5th game on October 20th Michael Negele was again in Bonn, from this visit dates our picture gallery 3 with 14 photos.
We can offer 20 additional photos from October 24th - the 8th game was due: picture gallery 4.
A final series was taken on October 26th (9th game) - Michael Negele had gathered some chess friends around him: picture gallery 5 with 36 photos.