News archive
Article on Lewis Carroll

In last November, the University of Valencia hosted a Jornada de Estudio dedicated to Alice in Wonderland, ...
Zavatarelli on Kolisch

Each year a lot of new chess books congest the market, and particularly before Christmas the number of new publications seems to multiply. Today I would like to point to two chess books only: Our member Fabrizio Zavatarelli has published his long-awaited work on Ignaz Kolisch, and some time earlier this year a book on the Chess Olympiad Buenos Aires 1939 has been released.
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
PS (31-01-2016): Kolisch biography included in the Publications of our Members.
PS (03-01-2016): For a new biographical article on Fritz Riemann by Michael Negele (in German) see the DSB web site.
Sanvito's Bibliografia

Alessandro Sanvito has released a new edition of his Bibliografia italiana degli scacchi.
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
Christmas Greetings 2015
Season's Greetings
and best wishes to all members
for health and joy
throughout the coming year!
New Books on Vida

Rudolf Glenk (Forchheim) has just published two books on Marcus Hieronymus Vida's Scacchia Ludus.
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
PS: Michael Negele has written an interesting article (in German) on Gustav R.L. Neumann (1838-81), published at It’s a kind of addition to Michael’s article on Minckwitz in the current KARL issue 4/2015.
Tribute to L.J. Cordioli
Euwe book Part 2

Peter de Jong has meanwhile finished his work on Max Euwe and Dutch chess history, Part 2 - in two volumes - will be available next week. All details in this pdf file!
Obituary of Pierre Van Craenenbroeck
Obituary of Isaak M. Linder
Isaak Linder deceased

Isaak Maxovich Linder
* 20 November 1920 † 31 October 2015
Again one of our doyens has passed away: Isaak M. Linder, the famous Russian chess historian and author of countless chess books died shortly before his 95th birthday. There is a short tribute (in Russian / in English) and a notice of his death (in English). We will still provide a more detailed obituary.
Photo above from Kórnik, 2007 (II von der Lasa Symposium).
Preview: Visit to Kórnik

On 18-20 October, Herbert Bastian, president of the German Chess Federation, and Michael Negele, commissioner for the history and culture of chess, were on a visit to Kórnik Castle (and to the Biblioteka Kórnicka), were they also had the opportunity for an informal meeting with some representatives of the Polish Chess Federation. We give only a very short preview.
KWA meeting Kiel

This year’s general meeting of the KWA was held in Kiel. Our chairman has provided a short report of the event, and again we can offer a lot of photos.
[Updated 23-12-2015: Siegfried Schönle's résumé in KARL 4/2015]
Govert Westerveld's Books

Govert Westerveld, our well-known Spanish member of Dutch origin, resident in Blanca (Murcia), has been and is still very active as a draughts and chess historian and as an author of books and articles in his fields of interest.
Read more on our page New Chess Literature.
PS (24-09-2015):
Tony Gillam has discovered 3 old manuscripts in the Central Library of Poznan, Poland:
- Des Arabers Philipp Stamma, gebürtig von Aleppo in Syrien, entdeckte Schachspiel-Geheimnisse …, Strasburg, 1771
- Hellwig Johann Christian, Versuch eines aufs Schachspiel gebaueten taktischen Spiels von zwey und mehrern Personen zu spielen, Leipzig 1780
- Marci Hieronymi Vidae Cremonensis Sacchia ludus (XVI century)
Maybe there are members who are interested in such things ...
Harding's Blackburne biography

Tim Harding's new work Joseph Henry Blackburne: A Chess Biography has just been published by McFarland (at a price of $75), it is already listed on Amazon UK (£49.95) and expected to be soon available in Germany as well. All relevant information is gathered on Tim Harding's pages, see
Certainly a book of great interest to our members!
PS (11-10-2015): The Blackburne biography has been included in the Publications of our Members.
Littorin death notice

Rolf Littorin
* 3 January 1923 † 3 September 2015
Rolf Littorin, the great Swedish chess collector who was also a founding member of our association, is no longer with us. After a short illness he recently passed away at the age of 92. He leaves behind his wife Birgitta, his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Rolf will be sorely missed and fondly remembered by his family and his friends.
Calle Erlandsson and Peter Holmgren have written an obituary (in Swedish), published at
You may find some details on the deceased (in English) in our former birthday greetings:
Books by P. de Jong

It was in 1935 - now 80 years ago - that Max Euwe became the 5th world chess champion. On this occasion our Dutch member Peter de Jong will release two books on Euwe and Dutch chess history.
All information is gathered in the following pdf files:
PS (08-09-2015):
David DeLucia has published a new book:
Seven Days in Bamberg - The Best of the Lothar Schmid collection
For details see
and Edward Winter's C.N. 9421.
Norwegian chess moves

Øystein Brekke, our Norwegian member, has informed us about a further anniversary book he has written and which was published already last year.
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
Summery Chess Auction in Braunschweig
A Prodigy's Progress

Our deputy chairman, IM John Donaldson recently gave a lecture at the WCHOF on Bobby Fischer: Enjoy A Prodigy's Progress (on YouTube).
El Ajedrez del Virrey

Our Spanish member José A. Garzón has published a new book, stating that it is his most personal work.
Read more on our page New Literature.
Obituary of Roger Klittich

The unexpected death of Roger Klittich has deeply touched all those who had known him. Michael Negele has provided an extensive obituary accompanied by a lot of photographs.
A German version of Michael Negele's text (slightly modified) is available in this pdf file!
Michael Negele's trip to the Netherlands

Once again Michael Negele went to the Netherlands for some days (18 to 23 April) to visit Amsterdam, Noordwijk and the Royal Library in The Hague. Enjoy his pictorial report:
[Updated 2015-08-07: addendum to Albrecht Buschke]
In Memoriam Roger Klittich

In Memoriam
Roger Klittich
* 03-06-1936
† 01-05-2015
Yesterday we received very sad news from Braunschweig: Roger Klittich, senior partner of the auction house A. Klittich-Pfankuch, one of the initiators of the KWA and its honorary member, had passed away on 1st of May.
In Memoriam Henryk Konaszczuk

In Memoriam
Henryk Konaszczuk
* 20 March 1955
† 24 March 2015 (Zabrze)
Recently Tomasz Lissowski informed us that his friend Henryk Konaszczuk had passed away, having died of lung cancer just a few days after his 60th birthday. He was buried in Ruda Śląska (near Zabrze) on 28/03/2015.
Introductory Membership

For all chess collectors and chess historians who are still indecisive to join us, we have a special and generous offer, namely a free introductory membership. As this is a temporary offer, valid for three months only, you should not hesitate too long! More details in this flyer (in German and English).
Bernd Schneider 50!
BoC Database

A substantial step has been made in our bibliography project which still constitutes the chief aim of our association. Last year Per Skjoldager established a first version of a database which is operational and available to our members.
Read more on our page Database of Chess Bibliography.
Reminder annual fee

For those who have not yet paid the membership fee for this year 2015, we would like to remind you that you have only till April 1st to benefit from the reduced fee of 35 € or $45. Please take also notice of our new Dutch bank account which is given in our Imprint.
Bolzano living chess
Wijk aan Zee 2015
Visit to Amsterdam and Wijk - preview

Just back from a two-day visit to Amsterdam and Wijk aan Zee, we can offer the first snapshots (provided by Michael Negele) - it's only a very short foretaste of what will come, as we plan to give soon a more detailed pictorial report on this tour.
Tamm on Paul Keres

Paul Tamm, a chess enthusiast from Estonia, has published a biography of his unforgotten compatriot Paul Keres ...
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.