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November 2022
New Member: Pete Tamburro
Our new member, Pete Tamburro from Morristown (US), is presented in the members area (You must be logged in to read).
Schach und Musik (Chess and Music)
Another exhibition related to chess opened this week. Siegfried Schönle was there again and reported:
Schach und Musik (in German)
[Update 2022-11-25] The English version of the text is now available: Schach und Musik (Chess and Music) [/Update]
Chess and humor
Siegfried Schönle reports on the meeting of the members of Chess Collectors International (CCI) and CH&LS on the occasion of the "Schachwunderland - Kunst und Humor im Schach" (Chess Wonderland - art and humor in chess) exhibition in Plauen. The article is written in German, but will soon be published in English:
[Update 2022-11-25] The English version of the text is now available: Chess and humor [/Update]