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October 2016
Caissa 2/2016
The second issue of the excellent magazine Caissa (No. 2/2016) has just been released.
You will find the usual details (contents, excerpts from the articles, etc.) on
Menchik biography by Kalendovský
Recently a biography of Vera Menchik-Stevenson has been published, written by our member Jan Kalendovský. Michael Negele has provided a short presentation with some excerpts from the book.
Read more in our column New Chess Literature.
Facsimile Südwestdt. SZ
Our member Martin Ramsauer (Marbach, Germany) would like to point to a new publication from his publishing house: a facsimile of the Südwestdeutsche Schach-Zeitung, 1887-1890 (2nd to 5th volume). You will find all details in this pdf file (4 MB).
PS: A new historical article by Michael Negele has just been released: Sieben auf einen Streich - die Plejaden. Die Komplettierung einer Berliner Herrenrunde (DSB website).
Wladimir Sokolow
Wladimir V. Sokolow
* 27-03-1950 † 28-09-2016
Wladimir Sokolow, who had left our association already some years ago, was one of our founder members. After a severe illness he passed away in September, he leaves his wife Elsa and a daughter. There is a short obituary on the site of his chess club, the SV 23 Böckingen (in German).
Albrecht Buschke
The 30th anniversary of Albrecht Buschke’s death was in this year’s January († 24-01-1986), while only a few days ago, on 3rd of October we could mark his 102nd birthday. In search of some information about Paul F. Schmidt Michael Negele has stumbled across a photo of Albrecht Buschke.