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October 2015
Preview: Visit to Kórnik
On 18-20 October, Herbert Bastian, president of the German Chess Federation, and Michael Negele, commissioner for the history and culture of chess, were on a visit to Kórnik Castle (and to the Biblioteka Kórnicka), were they also had the opportunity for an informal meeting with some representatives of the Polish Chess Federation. We give only a very short preview.
Obituary of Kurt Landsberger
Kurt Landsberger is no longer with us. Our US member Martin Frère Hillyer has written an obituary.
KWA meeting Kiel
This year’s general meeting of the KWA was held in Kiel. Our chairman has provided a short report of the event, and again we can offer a lot of photos.
[Updated 23-12-2015: Siegfried Schönle's résumé in KARL 4/2015]