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October 2014
The last part of Lasker’s legacy

In his colorful report of our visit to Saint Louis, and especially of the Sinquefield Cup Tournament Michael Negele announced a separate note from my pen on our activities in the World Chess Hall of Fame (WCHOF).
Sinquefield Cup 2014

Visit of an Absolute Super Tournament in St. Louis - the Second Sinquefield Cup, August 27 to September 7
This year’s Sinquefield Cup had been announced as the "strongest tournament of all time". Michael Negele and Robert van de Velde were on the spot and also met there 5 other KWF&A members – the "Magnificent Seven" were completed by Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam (the third member from Europe) and the 4 US members John Donaldson, Larry List, Tony Rich and Michael Utt.
- A short addendum (29-10-2014) - see Addendum!