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June 2014

KARL Schachpreis

The award just given the German magazine KARL by the DSB (German Chess Federation), the Deutsche Schachpreis 2014, was certainly a pleasing surprise.

Read more in our column New Chess Literature.

PS: English masters Blackburne and Tinsley added to our Chess Graves.


The recently published book Schicksalsmomente der Schachgeschichte. Dramatische Entscheidungen und historische Wendepunkte by Michael Ehn & Hugo Kastner is a delightful work which we can wholeheartedly recommend to all German speaking readers.

PS (22-06-2014): Two new books by Gerhard Josten announced!

Read more in our column New Chess Literature.


The foundation Schach- und Kulturstiftung G.H.S. (Munic), whose founder and chairman is our member Georg Schweiger, has published a catalog on the exhibition "Schach in Wort und Bild" ...

PS (22-06-2014): Guest book of the World Chess Championship 1934 in Germany available!

Read more in our column New Chess Literature.

Berlin Chess Legends

Michael Dombrowsky’s work on the "Berlin Chess Legends" has now been included in our series Publications of our Members.