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April 2014

Historical Notes

John Townsend presents his new book on British chess personalities of the 19th century.

Read more in our column New Chess Literature.

Easter greetings

Happy Easter!

"Chess motif with seasonal accessory" like an Easter Bunny

some chocolate eggs in the "rook’s nest"

and a Turkish China egg (unfortuantely not by Fabergé).

And also an Easter Lamb - sorry, I had no lamb at hand, so it is faked by that poodle named Bruna.

Moreover Easter Customs ...

(Michael Negele)

Rubinstein's DOB

Akiwa Rubinstein before WW I (about 1912)
Akiwa Rubinstein before WW I (about 1912)

Our Polish friends Ela and Jan Kusina were successful in their research on Akiwa Rubinstein’s date of birth, they have now confirmed by official documents that the DOB 01-12-1880 given on Rubinstein’s gravestone is correct!

Read more …

Wien 1895

Vienna 1895: The tournament reports by Adolf Zinkl, published in the Znaimer Wochenblatt, have been provided by Jan Kalendovský.

For this contribution visit our page Lectures & Articles (in the member section).

Books by Peter de Jong


Our Dutch member Peter de Jong (De Meern) has just informed us that he finished two minor publications last year: 600 Schaakgezichten [600 Chess Faces] and 325 Schaaktoernooien [325 Chess Tournaments], both privately printed and in a small edition only.

Read more in our column New Chess Literature.