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September 2013
Graves Richter and Teschner

Our photo collection of chess graves is still growing - see the Graves of Kurt Richter and Rudolf Teschner in Berlin.
New KWA Statutes

As already announced, the KWA plans to reorganize this year into a Foundation and Association (a split stipulated by the Dutch law). Guy Van Habberney as well as Bob van de Velde have prepared the corresponding papers in English and Dutch, the latter are intended for the registration at the Amsterdam notary. Beforehand our members will have the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the texts of the new statutes and to comment / amend them where appropriate. You will find the texts linked in our Member section – Documents. At our general meeting in Braunschweig on 22 November 2013 the texts will be due for approval by our members.
Ostrów 2013

Michael Negele was happy to combine a business trip to Warsaw with a chess event, the latter took place in Ostrów Wielkopolski on 1st of September (official promotion event of Paweł Dudziński’s new book Szachy wojenne 1939-1945 - War chess). Here is his pictorial report.
[Updated 2013-09-25: YouTube videos, see page 4 of the report]
Enquiry S. Schönle

Our member Siegfried Schönle (Kassel, Germany) is in search of the CD Königsindischer Angriff by Don Maddox, published by ChessBase in 2002 and meanwhile sold out. Who can help? Please mail to