The new bibliography of Spanish chess literature, NUEVO ENSAYO DE BIBLIOGRAFIA ESPAÑOLA DE AJEDREZ 1238-1938 (NEBEA, New Essays on Spanish Chess Bibliography) by our members José A. Garzón, Josep Alió and Miquel Artigas has now been published by ROMEDITORS, Valencia. You will find all information about this monumental work, spanning 700 years of chess literature, at; moreover on the editor’s website There is a luxury edition and a limited collector’s edition (numbered and signed by the authors), for the former a generous discount of 20% will be given to KWA members only, the prize then being 96 Euros. To benefit from this offer, you have to enter a pomotional code (provided by the editor) with your order. You will find this code in our member section. Please consider that the code is only applicable to payments by credit card.
Members can also pay by bank transfer (IBAN ES43 0081 0271 34 0001321636, SWIFT CODE BSABESBBXXX), in this case please contact the editor, Mr Paco Romeu via
There is also a Spanish ChessBase page with two videos - a book presentation by the authors and a promotional video, see
Moreover we offer an interview published by the prestigious paper El Mundo on 07/12/2012.
Below two photos of the authors and of the book presentation in Valencia on November 29th (click to enlarge).
PS (12/03/2013):
Alberto Herranz from ROMEDITORS has sent us a new photograph (taken by Isaac Ferrera):

More details and images in the below linked contributions:
FIDE visits Valencia (on
In Spanish:
ChessBase report Ilyumzhinov en Valencia
YouTube video Origen Valenciano del Ajedrez
PS (02/11/2013):
NEBEA has been awarded three prizes, we give the links to the pages about the "Premios al Producto Gráfico 2012": VLC Noticias and Hortanoticias.