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Membership and Members
There are different kinds of membership:
- Normal members: admission fee of 45 € (45 US$), annual fee of 35 € (40 US$) starting from the 2nd year of membership and if paid in the first quarter of the year; in general 45 € (45 US$) become due if payments are made later (2nd to 4th quarter).
- Senior members (starting from the 75th birthday): new senior members (joining the CH&LS) pay a non-recurring fee of 45 € (or US$) and are then freed of membership fees. Voluntary payments will be booked as donations.
- Honorary members (appointed by the board and the regional representatives): no membership fee; voluntary payments will be booked as donations as well.
- Sponsored membership (the membership fee of a member is completely paid by another member): The membership fee is 35 €/year, no admission fee. The status of this membership is limited to 5 years.
- Institutional members: no membership fee and no admission fee.
Payments can be made by bank transfer to our account, for the latter see our page Imprint.
If you prefer paying by PayPal, please use the following email address of our treasurer Marco Nolte:
CHLS-Member-Fee@sags-per-mail.de - in this case please add 5% to cover the PayPal fees.
Membership application
For information about and application for a membership you can contact the Membership Secretary Claes Løfgren claes.lofgren54@gmail.com or you go directly to the page Membership application.
Honorary Members
Last name | First name | City | Country |
(†) Klittich | Roger | de | |
Stigter | Jurgen Olivier | Amsterdam | nl |
van de Velde | Robert (Bob) | Amsterdam | nl |
Van Habberney | Guy | Boechout | be |
Negele | Michael | Wuppertal | de |
Senior Members
Last name | First name | City | Country |
Serruys | Henri | Antwerpen | be |
Schweiger | Georg | Baldham | de |
Drajić | Dušan | Belgrade | rs |
Lange | Bernd-Peter | Berlin | de |
Sheehan | Mike | BerrylandsSurbiton | gb |
Westerveld | Govert | Blanca Murcia | es |
Stoffelen | Edward | Brasschaat | be |
Morgado | Juan Sebastian | Buenos Aires | ar |
Bertola | Georges | Bussigny | ch |
Mittelbach | Manfred | Cape Town | za |
de Vreede | Ton (A.P.J.) | Capelle a/d IJssel | nl |
Hindle, née Patterson | Kathleen Josephine | Cromer | gb |
Hindle | Owen | Cromer | gb |
Mädler | Manfred | Dresden | de |
Jones | Robert | Exmouth | gb |
Carter | Maurice H. | Fairborn | us |
Tripp | Glenn | Fenton | us |
Utt | Michael | Fort Worth | us |
Murkisch | Godehard | Göttingen | de |
Dombrowsky | Michael | Hamburg | de |
Nudelman | David | Hamden | us |
Cafferty | Bernard | Hastings | gb |
Fisher | Eric | Hull | gb |
Schönle | Siegfried | Kassel | de |
Harding | Timothy | Knocklyon | ie |
Kadletz | Karl | Leobendorf | at |
Saidy | Anthony | Los Angeles | us |
Erlandsson | Calle | Lund | se |
Grondijs | Harrie | Maastricht | nl |
Tamburro | Pete | Morristown | us |
O'Connell | Kevin | Mouret | fr |
Büsing | Günter | München | de |
Cadden | Gordon | Newport Gwent | gb |
Gijssen | Geurt | Nijmegen | nl |
Cannon | Raymond Charles | Northold MIDX | gb |
Gillam | Tony | Nottingham | gb |
Segebarth | Bernd | Pingelshagen | de |
Russell | Hanon | Portsmouth | us |
Ólafsson | Fridrik | Reykjavik | is |
Felkers | Joost | Rijswijk | nl |
Jolowicz | Matias | Salzgitter | de |
Persson | Stellan | Vaerlose | dk |
Rosino | Antonio | Venezia | it |
Dietmann | Franz Josef | Veringenstadt | de |
Filipowicz | Andrzej Zygmunt | Warszawa-Stegny | pl |
Suwe | Hanspeter | Winsen i. H. | de |
Heite | Remco (Henrik Reint) | Wolvega | nl |
Institutional Members
Company | City | Country | Last name | First name |
University of Amsterdam | Amsterdam | nl | - | - |
Cleveland Public Library | Cleveland | us | Rozman | Ray |
Koninklijke Bibliotheek | Den Haag | nl | van Beest | Peter |
Edinburgh Chess Club | Edinburgh | gb | Whittaker | Ian |
Schleswig-Holsteinische Landesbibliothek | Kiel | de | Möhle | Christine |
Musée Suisse du Jeu | La Tour-de-Peilz | ch | Schädler | Ulrich |
Tresoar | Leeuwarden | nl | Kist | Martha |
Max Euwe Center | Rozendaal | nl | de Winter | Eric |
Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis | Saint Louis | us | Rich | Tony |
Mechanic' Institute | San Franscico | us | Donaldson | John W. |
Last name | First name | City | Country |
Ghannoum | Marc | ca | |
de Gijsel | Tom | Amsterdam | nl |
Hansen | Carsten | Bayonne | us |
Plećaš | Darko V. | Belgrade | rs |
Tischbierek | Raj | Berlin | de |
Fresen | Hans-Jürgen | Bochum | de |
Lorenz | Roger | Bornheim | de |
Zulian | Stefano | Borso del Grappa | it |
D´Ambrosio | Luca | Bozen | it |
Klittich | Karl | Braunschweig | de |
Nolte | Marco | Braunschweig | de |
Saremba | Andreas | Brieselang | de |
Jacobs | Jon | Brooklyn, NY | us |
Fayard | Alain | Brussels | be |
Alpern | Daniel Marcelo | Buenos Aires | ar |
Stere | Marian | Bukarest | ro |
Fernández Siles | Luis | Cúllar Vega, Granada | es |
de Jong | Peter | De Meern | nl |
Van der Heijden | Harold | Deventer | nl |
Schubert | Frank | Dresden | de |
Preziuso | Toni (Antonio) | Dübendorf | ch |
Hebeker | Friedrich-Karl | Düsseldorf | de |
Angerstein | Wolfgang | Erkrath | de |
Anderson | Joshua Milton | Exton | us |
Thimognier | Dominique | Fondettes | fr |
Zutter | François | Founex | ch |
Skjoldager | Per | Frederica | dk |
Løfgren | Claes | Fur | dk |
Jung | Gero | Genève | ch |
Voss | Pierre | Gennep | nl |
Damsager | John H. M. | Greve | dk |
Christenson | Bernard | Guaynabo | pr |
Spaans | Rob | Heerhugowaard | nl |
Clapham | Michael | Ipswich | gb |
Pähtz | Wolfgang | Jena | de |
Iclicki | Willy | Jerusalem | il |
Hoffmeister | Frank | Kraainem | be |
Frischherz | Urs | Lauerz | ch |
Corneth | Bert | Leidschendam | nl |
van Kempen | Susanne | Leverkusen | de |
Peterson | Tony | Littlehampton | gb |
Sanz Menéndez | Juan Carlos | Madrid | es |
Thulin | Anders | Malmö | se |
Zavatarelli | Fabrizio | Milano | it |
Boltaina-Bosch | Xavier | moià | es |
Bleeker | Ron | Morschen-Binsförth | de |
Seoane Sepúlveda | Jesús Miguel | MóstolesMadrid | es |
Geissler | Norbert | München | de |
List | Larry | New York | us |
Pos | Nico | Nieuw Vennep | nl |
Limberg | Matthias | Oberhausen | de |
Post | Hans-Dieter | Oberursel (Taunus) | de |
Balló | Harald | Offenbach | de |
Fiala | Vlastimil | Olomouc | cz |
Hartmann | John | Omaha | us |
Jurgens | Philip | Ottawa | ca |
Manley | Jonathan | Oxford | gb |
Ciancarini | Paolo | Pisa | it |
Guerra | Ricardo | Ponte Vedra Beach | us |
Štross | František | Praha | cz |
Crumiller | Jonathan | Princeton | us |
Sprishen | Len | Princeton Junction | us |
Mokry | Karel | Prostejov | cz |
Bastian | Herbert | Riegelsberg | de |
Artigas | Miquel | Sabadell | es |
Teyssou | Denis | Saint-Germain-en-Laye | fr |
Leconte | Jean Olivier | Saint-Mande | fr |
Barnier | Alain | Saint-Pierre-de-Chartreuse | fr |
Secelle | Johannes | Schelderode | be |
Schneider | Bernd | Solingen | de |
Ward | James | Spiddal Co. Galway | ie |
Holmgren | Peter | Stockholm | se |
Fields | Paul | Tampa | us |
Alió | Josep | Tarragona | es |
ten Geuzendam | Dirk Jan | The Hague | nl |
Malm Lindberg | Henrik | Uppsala | se |
Garzón | José Antonio | Valencia | es |
Benjamin | Richard | Venice | us |
Dondelinger | Jean-Pierre | Vichte | be |
Zwisler | Lars | Virum | dk |
Lissowski | Tomasz | Warszawa | pl |
McGowan | Alan | Waterloo (ON) | ca |
Michiels | Luc | Wetteren | be |
Forster | Richard | Winterthur | ch |
Johansson | Mattias | Woluwé-Saint-Lambert | be |
Deceased Members
Last name | First name | Date of birth | Date of death | Country |
(†) Arabito | Giuseppe | 1956-11-29 | 2020-03-30 | it |
(†) Averbakh | Yuri | 1922-02-08 | 2022-05-07 | ru |
(†) Bellucci | Romano | 1940-07-09 | 2017-09-15 | it |
(†) Biénabe | Alain | 1958-10-03 | 2021-02-22 | fr |
(†) Brandreth | Dale | 1931-12-17 | 2019-09-09 | us |
(†) Crisovan | Alex | 1919-10-02 | 2012-11-28 | ch |
(†) Durst | Uwe | 1934-11-25 | 2011-08-30 | de |
(†) Ellinghoven | Bernd | 1953-08-24 | 2023-11-13 | de |
(†) Engberts | Hans | 1958-01-28 | 2011-11-29 | nl |
(†) Erdélyi | Tamás | 1953-03-07 | 2017-04-25 | hu |
(†) Frank | Albert | 1943-09-28 | 2013-05-02 | be |
(†) Glenk | Rudolf | 1937-12-12 | 2017-01-03 | de |
(†) Ivkov | Borislav | 1933-11-12 | 2022-02-14 | rs |
(†) Klittich | Roger | 1936-06-03 | 2015-05-01 | de |
(†) Komer | Wayne | 1941-09-01 | 2021-09-13 | ca |
(†) Landsberger | Kurt | 1920-12-28 | 2014-12-19 | us |
(†) Levene | Benjamin (Billy) | 1918-02-16 | 2015-11-04 | us |
(†) Linder | Isaak M. | 1920-11-20 | 2015-10-31 | ru |
(†) Littorin | Rolf | 1923-01-03 | 2015-09-03 | se |
(†) Lysdal | Knud | 1950-04-06 | 2013-04-12 | dk |
(†) Łuczak | Maria | 1949-12-25 | 2011-02-03 | pl |
(†) Mennerat | Jean | 1917-08-11 | 2007-09-21 | fr |
(†) Monté | Peter J. | 1939-09-13 | 2018-06-07 | nl |
(†) Nielsen | Jørn Erik | 1948-05-12 | 2018-08-03 | dk |
(†) Pagni | Carlo Alberto | 1931-02-13 | 2009-03-02 | it |
(†) Pálsson | Jón Adólf | 1930-08-20 | 2023-10-30 | is |
(†) Petermann | Hubert | 1959-04-07 | 2005-07-07 | de |
(†) Reinhardt | Rudolf | 1937-02-02 | 2006-09-02 | de |
(†) Reitstein | Leonard | 1928-06-06 | 2019-08-02 | za |
(†) Sanvito | Alessandro | 1938-12-14 | 2020-10-21 | it |
(†) Savage | Allan | 1951-04-25 | 2022-05-15 | us |
(†) Schippan | Bernd | 1946-01-09 | 2019-02-07 | de |
(†) Schmid | Lothar | 1928-05-10 | 2013-05-18 | de |
(†) Skinner | Leonard M. | 1928-10-29 | 2022-03-07 | gb |
(†) Van Craenenbroeck-Moris | Pierre | 1936-02-14 | 2015-11-24 | be |
(†) van der Heijden | René | 1951-08-29 | 2007-04-06 | nl |
(†) van Reek | Jan | 1945-07-10 | 2015-08-08 | nl |
(†) Winants | Luc | 1963-01-01 | 2023-02-07 | be |
(†) Wukits | René | 1972-05-20 | 2024-07-20 | at |