In the foyer of the Bundeskunsthalle: Dr. Thekla Volkmann and Dr. Stefan Böhm, one of my "most faithful" chess friends since 15/02/1988
Kuno Thiel - my chess friend since 1974 - and Alfons Mueser (from the old Aachen/Stolberg days) since 1978 together with Marion Oeben-Negele
The Brendler-Schwab family together with Marion Oeben-Negele
Michael Negele with Andreas and Michael Schwab
In the first row: Andreas and Michael Schwab with their mother Dr. Susanne Brendler-Schwab - here chess is given pride of place as a family mental exercise.
Marco Bär from SC Bayer Leverkusen - our literature attendant, on the right Harald Claßen and Alfons Mueser from the former Stolberger SC
Dr. Thekla Volkmann and Dr. Stefan Böhm
The pack of photographers at the start of the game
Kramnik arriving at the scene
Kramnik - nearly no chance any more to win the match
View of the stage - position after move 10
Marion Oeben-Negele leafing through a brochure
Helmut Pfleger and Bernd Schneider at the laptop
In the commentary room: Volker Wolf and Christoph Pragua - the Cologne correspondence chess is a part of my chess past as well.
Helmut Pfleger is in his element
Sebastian Siebrecht (on the left) as co-commentator
Sebastian Siebrecht should be appointed GM by the FIDE shortly afterwards - namely at the Dresden Chess Olympiad.
Another panel talk: Herbert Molderings and Prof. Ernst Strouhal talk about Marcel Duchamp and chess as a kind of art.
Art historian Herbert Molderings is obviously good-humoured
Prof. Ernst Strouhal
Herbert Molderings and Prof. Ernst Strouhal
Commentary room - the audience
The game at move 17
... and at move 33
... 10 moves later on - the draw is near
At the stand of the German Chess Federation: Christoph Pragua with Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam and Jewgeni Barejew
Marco Bär and Kuno Thiel - a critical look at chess books
Four hostesses have taken up their position
At the press conference, with presenter Klaus Bischoff