Die Internationalen Schachturniere zu Meran 1924 und 1926

by Luca D’Ambrosio

Limited edition of 330 copies
Hardcover (synthetic leather), large format (27.4 x 20.9 x 3.6 cm), 500 pages
thread-stitching, dust jacket, picking belt

See also the announcement at www.arciscacchi.it.

Some more information provided by the author (PDFs): 
Folder on the book
Excerpt from the book (2.3 MB)

Price, 20% reduced only for KWF&A members: 62 € + postage
The postage varies between 23 € and 44 €, depending on the country of destination and the kind of delivery. Available on request (together with the bank details), please address yourself to Luca D’Ambrosio .

Luca’s first major publication, his work on the chess tournaments Meran 1924 and 1926, is obviously a masterstroke, probably the finest tournament book ever produced; accordingly the spontaneous reactions of the readers were overwhelming. Particularly we have to emphasize the painstaking research work of the author spanning over 7 years, all the additional information and documentations given in the book, the throughout abundant illustration with rare historical photographs, drawings, lithographs and documents. And naturally the magnificent overall get-up of the book combined with an excellent layout by Ulrich Dirr.

R.B., 08-08-2014

PS (06-10-2014): A more detailed review (by Ralf Binnewirtz and Michael Negele) was published in the German magazine SCHACH 10/2014, p. 40-42 ["Erlesene Geschichte(n) V: Meran 1924 und 1926"].

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