Michael Ehn, Hugo Kastner

Schicksalsmomente der Schachgeschichte

Dramatische Entscheidungen und historische Wendepunkte

The recently published book Schicksalsmomente der Schachgeschichte. Dramatische Entscheidungen und historische Wendepunkte by Michael Ehn & Hugo Kastner is a delightful work which we can wholeheartedly recommend to all German speaking readers.

The attractive book – it contains many rare (black-and-white) illustrations and historical photographs – presents selected highlights and turning points of chess history – separated in altogether 32 chapters and in chronological order, so you may start reading where you like it. My impression is that of a fascinating and well researched storybook (the authors always give the sources at the ends of the chapters), certainly a very entertaining read not only for historically interested chess friends. On www.humboldt.de you can receive an impression by the linked excerpt from the book (incl. TOC) - see Leseprobe (PDF), and you will even find there a video comment (in German).

  • Publisherhumboldt, 2014
  • ISBN978-3-86910-206-1
  • Languagesgerman
  • Pages272
  • Formatspaperback, ebook
Cover verso
2 x Michael – Michael Negele and Michael Ehn (Vienna, in June 2014)
2 x Michael – Michael Negele and Michael Ehn (Vienna, in June 2014)