Reprint of "Die Brüderschaft 1885/1886"
One book project, the reprint of “Die Brüderschaft 1885/1886”, was already finished prior to our association's foundation: the years 1885 and 1886 were published at the end of April 2003 in one volume by “Publishing House Moravian Chess, Olomouc”.

Contributions to the project were made by Ralf Binnewirtz (complete transcription and layout of the volume 1885), Vlastimil Fiala (supplying copies for the transcription; printing/publishing), Tony Gillam (project idea and corrections of the English texts) and Michael Negele (review of the transcription and preface).

The reprint of the first volume 1885 was a great challenge as the original was handwritten in Old German cursive writing, so at first it had to be transcribed into common Latin characters.
For additional information such as on the historical background we recommend you the reading of the Preface.

The “Brüderschaft” which only appeared from 1885 to 1888 and afterwards changed into the “Deutsches Wochenschach”, is very sought after among collectors because of its extreme rarity; especially the volumes 1885 and 1886 are virtually not obtainable in the original. Therefore we are pleased that all volumes are available now as reprints.
Chess friend Hans-Georg Kleinhenz (Munich) has later found some inconsistencies and errors in the 1885 reprint, they are listed in this Errata-Zettel (in German only). Additionally he has entered the games of the first year 1885 into a ChessBase database which he offers to download at his Homepage.
We would like to indicate that KWA members get a 20% discount on all publications from the Publishing House Moravian Chess (exception: subscription of QCH = Quarterly for Chess History). For subscribers of QCH this member’s discount will be 30%. Also no shipping costs will be charged.
Our sincere thanks go to Dr Vlastimil Fiala for this generous support of our association.