The publications are divided into four subsections:
The following is a list of all publications listed:
Vlastimil Fiala, Stanislaw Sierpowski
Proceedings of International Conference of Chess Historians

- PublisherCaissa 90-Olomouc, 2003
- ISBN8385213384
- Languagesenglish
- Pages286
- Formatshardback
- See alsoFiala, Vlastimil
Jan Kalendovský, Zdeněk Závodný
První mezinarodní šachový turnaj v Praze 1908

- Release Date2008
- Languagesczech
- Pages422
- Formatshardback
- See alsoKalendovský, Jan
Godehard Murkisch
Rätselhafte Schachaufgaben
Verzwickte Positionen und und überraschende Lösungen

- PublisherHeyne Verlag, 1985
- ISBN3453413938
- Languagesgerman
- Pages224
- Formatspaperback
- See alsoMurkisch, Godehard
Allan G. Savage
Reconciling chess: A Marcel Duchamp sampler

- PublisherThinkers' Press, 1998
- ISBN9780938650997
- Languagesenglish
- Pages20
- Formatspaperback
- See alsoSavage, Allan G.
Rob Spaans
Reisgids voor Schaakliefhebbers

- PublisherSelf-published, 2017
- Languagesdutch
- Pages328
- See alsoSpaans, Rob
- Description
This book is some sort of travel guide for chess lovers. It describes more than hundred places where cultural chess motives can be found. Mostly in museums, churches and castles in The Netherlands, Germany and France. Think of extraordinary chess pieces, chess boards, chess tables, chess clocks, chess statues, chess paintings, chess tapestries, chess villages, chess mosaics, chess graves, etcetera, etcetera.
The book is in an A5 paperback format, has 328 pages, has many (black & white) pictures and sells for € 19,95.
Hopefully the most critical remark will be that the book is available only in Dutch. The title is Reisgids voor Schaakliefhebbers, which translates as "Travel guide for chess lovers".
For more information contact the author via
Rob Spaans
Marian Stere
Romania – A Bibliography of Chess

- PublisherGambit, 2009
- Languagesenglish
- Pages300
- Formatshardback
- See alsoStere, Marian
- Attachments stere_bibliography.pdf (122.4 KiB)
- abc_030-031.pdf (143.9 KiB)
- abc_112-113.pdf (130.5 KiB)
- abc_116-117.pdf (115.1 KiB)
- abc_122-127.pdf (167.9 KiB)
- abc_164-165.pdf (107.6 KiB)
- abc_240-241.pdf (113.1 KiB)
- abc_274-275.pdf (102.9 KiB)
- abc_294-296.pdf (130.4 KiB)
Axel Smith, Fredrik Danelius, Calle Erlandsson
Rolf Martens
schackgeniet, maoisten, motståndsmannen

- PublisherLunds Akademiska Schackklubb and Schackstudion, 2022
- Languagesswedish
- Pages384
- Miscellaneousb/w and colour illustrations
- See alsoRolf Martens - A New Swedish Biography
Jon Edwards
Sacking the Citadel
The History, Theory and Practice of the Classic Bishop Sacrifice

- PublisherRussell Enterprises, 2011
- ISBN978-1888690743
- Languagesenglish
- Pages400
- Formatspaperback
- See alsoEdwards, Jon
- Attachments edwards.pdf (44.7 KiB)
- edwards_blurb.pdf (63.3 KiB)
Enrico Cecchelli
Sanremo 1930 - Il torneo dei giganti

- PublisherEdiscere, 2006
- ISBN978-8888928265
- Languagesitalian
- Pages304
- Formatspaperback
- See alsoCecchelli, Enrico
Romano Bellucci
Scacchi e Scienze Applicate
No. 31

- Languagesitalian
- See alsoScacchi e Scienze Applicate No. 31
Carlo Alberto Pagni
Scacchi senza quartiere
Incontri per corrispondenza fra circoli nel secolo XIX

- PublisherCaissa Italia, 2004
- ISBN978-8888756189
- Languagesitalian
- Pages304
- Formatspaperback
- See alsoPagni, Carlo Alberto
Hans Holländer, Ulrich Schädler
Scacchia Ludus
Studien zur Schachgeschichte - Band 1

- PublisherEDITIONS feenschach, 2008
- ISBN9783981212808
- Pages615
- Formatshardback
- See alsoSchädler, Ulrich
Siegfried Schönle
Schach im DP-Lager Landsberg und im Ghetto Terezín / Theresienstadt
Schwarzweiße Wege der Forschung zu Nathan Markowsky und Isidor Schorr

- PublisherSchachmuseum Löberitz, 2024
- Languagesgerman
- Pages242
- Formatshardback
- See alsoSchach im DP-Lager Landsberg und im Ghetto Terezín / Theresienstadt [Chess in the Landsberg DP camp and in the Terezín / Theresienstadt ghetto]
- Attachments Siegfried Schönle - Schach im DP-Lager Landsberg und im Ghetto Terezin - table of contents (382.4 KiB)
- Siegfried Schönle - Schach im DP-Lager Landsberg und im Ghetto Terezin - preface (382.5 KiB)
Siegfried Schönle
Schach in Literatur und Kunst
vom Barock bis ins Jahr 2016

- Release Date2017
- Languagesgerman
- Pages510
- Formatshardback
- MiscellaneousA4 size, printing in 3 columns
- See alsoSchönle, Siegfried
- Attachments schoenle_schach_in_literatur.pdf (46.8 KiB)
- schoenle_schach_in_literatur_seite6.pdf (363.8 KiB)
- schoenle_schach_in_literatur_seite7.pdf (338.7 KiB)
- Description
4273 Entries with numerous annotations, additions and bibliographical references.
Limited edition of 20 copies.
Blue hardcover binding with gilt lettering on front cover and spine.
Price 85 Euros plus postage.The work reflects the result of 25 years of collecting with focus on chess scenes and chess illustrations in German literature, from the baroque period until the year 2016. 10 Titles from the 16th century, about 55 from the 17th, 100 from the 18th and 280 from the 19th century are included. But also many other languages than German are present in the collection. This applies especially to an important topic of the collection: Stefan Zweig’s “Schachnovelle”, a story of which Mr Schönle has tried to collect as many editions in as many languages as possible even if this would only remain a target. For those interested: the entries 3811 to 4372 are Schachnovelle-editions and associated secondary literature.
About 600 English language works and translations are included.
Other special topics in the collection are works on the Chess Automaton of Baron von Kempelen (The Turk), crime stories, and art related books and catalogues. Lexicons, bibliographies and other works of reference were gradually added over the years.
Please have a look at the pictures and some sample pages.
Manfred Mädler
Schach ist scheen, wenn man kann

- PublisherRau, 1991
- ISBN9783791903262
- Languagesgerman
- Pages79
- Formatspaperback
- See alsoMädler, Manfred
Bernd Gräfrath
Schachgeschichten mit Lichtbildern

- PublisherSelf-published, 2014
- Languagesgerman
- Pages42
- Formatshardback
- Miscellaneouslarge format (21.5 x 27.5 cm); Colour printing with many full-page photographs and a few smaller photos
- See alsoSchachgeschichten mit Lichtbildern
Michael Ehn, Hugo Kastner
Die besten Aufgaben und Komponisten der Schachgeschichte. Mit über 500 Rätseln und Lösungen

- Publisherhumboldt, 2013
- ISBN978-3-86910-198-9
- Languagesgerman
- Pages464
- Formatspaperback
- Miscellaneous147 x 216 x 30 mm, weight 981 g
- See alsoSchachkompositionen
- Attachments press_info_ehn.pdf (75.5 KiB)
Raj Tischbierek, Michael Negele
Schauspiel des Geistes
Marc Langs unglaublicher Rekord im Blindsimultanschach

- PublisherExzelsior Verlag, 2012
- ISBN978-3935800075
- Languagesgerman
- Pages200
- Formatspaperback
- See alsoSchauspiel des Geistes
Michael Ehn, Hugo Kastner
Schicksalsmomente der Schachgeschichte
Dramatische Entscheidungen und historische Wendepunkte

- Publisherhumboldt, 2014
- ISBN978-3-86910-206-1
- Languagesgerman
- Pages272
- Formatspaperback, ebook
- See alsoSchicksalsmomente der Schachgeschichte
- Linkhumboldt