Persons celebrating an Anniversary in November 2007

From occasional feedbacks it has become clear that our procedure concerning the birthday greetings seems partly unclear. Therefore I would like to repeat concisely the procedure explained some time ago (in December 2004):
Generally the greetings to our members will be expressed every five years, i.e. on the occasion of all jubilees ending on "5" or "0". New members receive a single debut greeting, after that they will be handled according to the above procedure.
Birthdays from "70" upwards will be yearly considered (possibly short only) – as a small bonus for our seniors.
Members who would prefer not to appear in this column are asked to inform me (R.B.).

This month' line-up is identical to previous November (2006) ...

Our Belgian member (Ed)Ward Stoffelen celebrated his 73rd birthday on November 16th, his unbroken activities in his special field "endgame studies" are to be noted once again. He was not only active as a judge in different national solving championships and contests (in Holland and Belgium), but he also acted as the director (main judge) in the 3rd European Chess Solving Championship (Pardubice, July 2007), while he belonged to the director’s team of 3 assistants in the World Chess Solving Championship (Rhodes, October 2007).

We are pleased to say that also Isaak M. Linder, the well-known specialist in Russian chess history is very active still which is particularly impressive in view of his 87th birthday on November 20th. Recently he still took part in the Kórnik symposium giving a lecture on von der Lasa [a photo report on that event will be published soon], and he has also (together with his son Wladimir) contributed a chapter to our Lasker biography – naturally he was predestined for the subject "Lasker in Russia".

Nothing new got through to us about our member Uwe Durst from Bad Pyrmont, he could look back on 73 years on November 25th.


PS: You will find all previous birthday greetings in our archives!