This Hair has to Move! ("Das Haar muss ziehen!")

150th Anniversary of the Bamberg Chess Club, founded in 1868
If any book may deserve to be the first one, to be introduced on our new web presentation, it is this anniversary publication of my Bamberg chess friends. All aspects, the Chess History & Literature Society is representing, are reflected on its 264 pages with many unknown illustrations and documents. And, it is also clearly, demonstrating the long tradition of organized chess in Germany, but also the importance of a diligent collector to conserve this documentation.
So we all should remember the late Lothar Schmid, a good friend of Kenneth Whyld. And we should thank the respresentatives of the Bamberg chess community, foremost my friend, Bernhard Schmid, for this wonderful book, published in his Karl-May publishing house.
The only drawback: The book is written in German language, which will not harm any diehard chess collector *).
Michael Negele
[Update 2018-05-24] A Luxury Edition is now available: [/Update]

By the way: I am in doubt if anyone of our members may be able to help in one question: We still seek for any photograph of Max Ignaz Weiß (* 11. Mai 1870 in Munich; † 18. Dezember 1943 in Bamberg). This Weiß - not related to Miksa Weiss of Vienna - was a Bamberg lawyer, a well-known chess problemist at his days and author of several chess books. He was also a part-time coworker of Euchar Albrecht Schmid (the grandfather of Bernhard), owner of the Karl-May publishing house, since 1916.
*) For sure, our friend Bernd Schneider (im-makler) will support any member from abroad in ordering.

More information:
- Schachklub 1868 Bamberg e.V.
- Karl-May-Verlag
- The background story to the title "Das Haar muss ziehen!" at (Only in german)
- "Das Haar muss ziehen!" in New Literature