The Quest for the Lost Incunabulum

"International Von der Lasa Award"© presented in Valencia
On 15 May 1495, Francesch Vicent’s book Libre dels jochs partitis dels scachs en nombre de 100 was printed in Valencia by Lope de la Roca and Pere Trincher. A considerable prize was offered now which will be paid to the happy finder of the possibly last existing copy of the original incunabulum.
There is a trace that ca. 1913 a copy of the book was sold in Barcelona by a mysterious bookseller, Salvador Babra, and that the book ended up in the USA. As it is the first printed work dealing with the modern rules of chess (after the revolutionary changes of the chess rules in the 15th century), this incunabulum is of outstanding chess historical importance.
Already in May 2011 when Michael Negele met José A. Garzón in Valencia, a first pact was made to start the search for that book (see "On the Hunt for the Lost Chess Book" – English / German version). This month, on 11th of December the official announcement of the "International Von der Lasa Award"© took place in Valencia’s antiquarian bookshop "Librería Anticuaria Rafael Solaz". Our member José A. Garzón has sent us some information and photos:

The following attendees were present at the event: D. Cristóbal Grau, Councillor for Sports and of the City of Valencia, Francisco Tortajada, Councillor of Culture of the City of Segorbe, and José A. Garzon, member of the KWA, representing also the other promoters and sponsors.
The modalities are linked on the page, you can also directly open the corresponding PDF files in Spanish, English and German. The considerable prize sum amounts to 18,000 € (i.e. more than $23,000 at current exchange rates)!

The following 7 photos: Courtesy of Javier Furió, VLCciudad.
Sponsors and promoters and the team of the Fundación Deportiva Municipal of Valencia. -
Cristóbal Grau, José A. Garzón and Francisco Tortajada -
Are we in the Solaz’ Library or Pere Trincher’s Library, one of the printers of Vicent’s book? -
NEBEA (2012), a key work for the search of Vicent´s book. -
A book in 4º, nearly a twin of Vicent´s book. -
Rafael Solaz Albert signing the agreement of the award -
Award Announcement
The presentation also met with a high level of response in the media (newspapers, radio and television). Some links / articles in Spanish: