Sonja Graf in the WCHoF

We are pleased to hear that the German born female chess master Sonja Graf-Stevenson has been included in the World Chess Hall of Fame - see this page of the WCHoF website! So from coming April both Mrs. Stevenson (the other is Vera Menchik) will decorate the walls of the World Chess Hall of Fame in Saint Louis.
On this occasion we remind of Michael Negele’s extensive article Schicksal eines Fräuleinwunders - der Lebensweg der Sonja Graf-Stevenson (PDF, 1st edition 2004, updated 2007), as well as the page Childhood of Sonja (Susanna) Graf ....
Further links:
Sonja Graf in der World Chess Hall of Fame by André Schulz (German ChessBase)
Five new players in the Hall of Fame (English ChessBase)
Photo above: Vera Menchik and Sonja Graf, 1939