Second Board Meeting 2005 in Amsterdam
(Report by Michael Negele)
On August 6th the second board meeting of the Ken Whyld Association was held in the Max Euwe-Centrum at Amsterdam, participants were Jurgen Stigter, Hans Engberts and Michael Negele as well as Bert Corneth as cash auditor, additionally René van der Heijden, Peter de Jong and Bernd Schneider as interested guests. Priority was given to the preparations for the general meeting in September (details in the Member’s Area) – we would like to express already our thanks to Eveline Dirksen for the warm reception in the MEC. The premises ideally serve our purpose, surely all participants will be enthusiastic about their visit.
Of course it was also nice to distribute the new Zukertort book, a first copy was given to the library of the Max Euwe-Centrum.
A further subject was the book project on the history of Dutch chess before 1900 by Peter de Jong who reported in detail about the present state – our thanks go to Peter for supplying a provisional table of contents (pdf-file).
Michael Negele (on behalf of R.B.) gave a short review on the state of the project on commemorative publications (authors are Ralf Binnewirtz and Hans-Jürgen Fresen). Just recently - in cooperation with Romano Bellucci (Scacchi e Scienze Applicate) - the publication was put in concrete forms, it will be presented in Amsterdam too. [You will find a small selection of commemorative publications (scans of the front covers) on the next page.]
Juan Morgado is active in Buenos Aires too, unfortunately he had to withdraw his participation in Amsterdam – as a greeting to our members he kindly supplied the following rare photo (Czerniak – Capablanca, 1939).
We will be pleased to meet you in Amsterdam !