Rubinstein's DOB
Our Polish friends Ela and Jan Kusina were successful in their research on Akiwa Rubinstein’s date of birth, they have now confirmed by official documents that the DOB 01-12-1880 given on Rubinstein’s gravestone is correct!
(See the updated Rubinstein entry in our Chess Graves series.)
Until now mostly October 12, 1882 was quoted to be Rubinstein’s DOB. Maybe Rubinstein has made himself 2 years younger than he was in order to escape military service? (Michael Negele)
Here is the information provided by Ela and Jan Kusina (PDF; text revised by Ralf Binnewirtz).
In this context we would like to point to a new blog Akiba’s Dream and the contribution The Rubinstein Graves by the Belgian chess friend Jonathan Schick, he also provided that as a PDF file.
[The author’s speculation about the first husband of Rubinstein’s wife Eugenia is – according to Michael Negele – not correct, it is Rubinstein’s mother-in-law who is buried there.]
There also still exists a discrepance in Eugenia Lew’s DOB which is not to explain by different calendars.
We still give a link to KARL 3/13 - the Rubinstein issue.
Images provided by Michael Negele.