Prof. Pagni's new CC bibliography - some help required!

We are pleased to welcome Prof. Carlo Alberto Pagni (Milano) as a new member of the Ken Whyld Association. Prof. Pagni worked as a Professor of Neurology and Neurosurgery at different Italian universities (Turin, Milano, Cagliari), owing to his studies and his professional duties he was early compelled to abandon OTB play which he had practised at first. From 1970 he applied himself to correspondence chess which is shown by numerous tournament participations and publications (articles, books, reviews).

At the moment a new booklet for the ICCF is in preparation containing a correspondence chess bibliography from 1823 to 2005. As not all bibliographical details were available to Prof. Pagni he asks our members for some assistance in reviewing and completing his bibliography (we have linked the latter as pdf-file in our Member's Area - see page "Additional Information"). Members willing to help are asked to turn directly to the author .

On this occasion we would like to remind once more of our general meeting at La Tour-de-Peilz: as only some members made up their minds so far, further announcements to participate are most welcome! We would like to point to the following meeting in Turin (chess olympiad!) too, our Italian friends A. Sanvito, R. Bellucci, C.A. Pagni and S.D. Spina supported and prepared this get-together by their activities, they would be glad if they could welcome additional members besides our chairman!

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