On Ken Whyld's 81st birthday - index to 25 years of Q&Q available!
Twenty-five Years of Quotes & Queries
Our English friend Chris Ravilious who conducts the "Quotes & Queries" column of the British Chess Magazine now presents us a 29-page index to this chess column from the period October 1978 to August 2003 - these are the 25 years during which Q&Q was run by Ken Whyld.
The index consists of 4 sections:
- General index
- Index of games / positions
- Index of composers
- Index of contributors
It makes no claim to completeness but it's certainly a good starting point to make investigations in Q&Q.
Chris Ravilious is willing to send out an email version of the index without charge to interested KWA members, his address is qq@bcmchess.co.uk.
Many thanks to Chris for this kind service.