On a Visit to Tomasz Lissowski in Warsaw
by Michael Negele
For the second time this year, i.e. in November I had the opportunity for a short business trip to Warsaw. (For the first visit in April 2011 please see the pictorial report Chess Enthusiasts at Warsaw. Meanwhile there is also a [Polish] article online about the visit to the publishing house Penelopa, including the visit of Jurgen Stigter and Calle Erlandsson - have a look at "Vistula Chess Monthly": www.astercity.net/~vistula/....)
Below some pictures resulting from my visit to Tomasz Lissowski ...

In Tomasz' study I could once again admire his library, first and foremost items from the interesting collection Jerzy Gizycki.
A new book too was recently published where Tomasz Lissowski has cooperated, it is the "History of chess in the Ostrowski region, part II" with biographies of 64 chess players from Ostrów Wielkopolski (according to www.wzszach.poznan.pl/turnieje2011/promocjaksiazki-dudzinski.pdf):
I was astonished to find three Polish textbooks by Leon Tuhan-Baranowski who played in the General Government several tournaments during WW II under the pseudonym Lissé (or Lisse).
You will find more details about Leon Tuhan-Baranowski in the "GESCHICHTE DES SV 03/25 KOBLENZ E.V. UND DES SCHACHSPIELS IM RHEINLAND (1808-2008)" by Dr. Thomas Bohn, see footnote 646 on p. 113 of the below linked pdf file: www.svkoblenz.de/downloads/geschichte_svkoblenz.pdf.
A separate article on L. Tuhan-Baranowski is planned for our next but one KWA newsletter (CSQ No. 7).