New book about japanese chess shogi

From the editor of the book mentioned below, we got this information, that could be of interest especially for members who are Shôgi players themselves or have historical interest in the game:
Dear Members of the Chess History & Literature Society,
I recently published a book with articles of my german blog about japanese chess called Shôgi Hamburg. It covers the time from 2013 to 2019. It's mostly accounts of tournaments in the city of hamburg, but it also includs four very short essays about the history and culture of shôgi. Maybe it is of interest for your society or some of your members.
Fabian Krahe
Fabian Krahe (Hrsg.): Shôgi Hamburg. Beiträge aus den Jahren 2013 bis 2019.
Norderstedt: Books on Demand 2020
108 pages
15,00 Euro
ISBN-13: 9783751920216
With contributions from: Uwe Frischmuth, René Gralla, Fabian Krahe, Jürgen Woscidlo
For more information:
- E-mail address of the editor
- BoD Buchshop