Meeting of Per Skjoldager, Karl Klittich, Bob van de Velde and Michael Negele in Taulov (Fredericia, Denmark) on Sunday, October 15th, 2017

Michael Negele
Karl Klittich, Bob van de Velde, Per Skjoldager and Michael NegeleTwo board members and our Danish database expert met last Sunday to discuss the current state of the ToBiblion project. The meeting was joint by the interim webeditor Michael Negele, who reported on the new logo of the CH&LS and the next steps to launch the new website of the Chess History & Literature Society.
Results of this most successful meeting will be reported in due course through the website, but also at the meeting in Brunswick on 24th November, 2017. The agenda for this meeting at the eve of the 73rd auction at Klittich-Pfankuch auction house will be communicated by the board.