In memoriam Maria Łuczak

In memoriam
Maria Łuczak
* 25/12/1949
† 03/02/2011 (Kórnik)
Shocked and with deep sadness we received the message that Maria Łuczak passed away a few days ago after a severe illness. She was only 61 years of age.
For more than 35 years, from 1973 to 2010 Maria Łuczak worked in the library of Kórnik Castle and officiated with dedication as a curator of the von der Lasa collection. She became known to chess historians particularly as an organizer of international symposia taking place at Kórnik in 2002, 2006 and 2007. Many international renowned chess historians who for the most part joined the Ken Whyld Association later on already participated in the seminar of 2002 which has even been recorded in book-form.
Some of us met Maria Łuczak for the first time personally on the occasion of the seminar in October 2006 which she had perfectly prepared and performed for our KWA group. This event at a "mystic place" - as Kórnik Castle was perceived by many people - has remained unforgettable for us and naturally has been documented in words and pictures at our pages.

The same applies to the next symposium in 2007 being still improved by an excursion to the von der Lasa castle at Osieczna and further side-events. Maria Łuczak coped excellently with this challenge too. But especially we would have to point out her always kind character and obliging helpfulness which endeared her to all chess friends who knew her. Without any doubt she was the "heart and soul" of Kórnik Castle.
Moreover Maria Łuczak rendered outstanding services by the support provided in the preparation of the Lasker biography. Her useful and selfless help in this book project was particularly encouraging for the editors, therefore the copy dedicated to the von der Lasa library at Kórnik also represents a memorial for Maria Łuczak.

The Ken Whyld Association and all chess historians worldwide have lost a great supporter and kind-hearted friend. Our sympathies go to her brother Jan and all other relatives. We who had the advantage to meet Maria Łuczak in person will keep her in our memory and in our hearts.
Our association would like to support a further von der Lasa symposium which would also be a memorial event for Maria Łuczak and her life's achievements.
Additional photos of/with Maria Łuczak: