From September 17th to 19th, 2004 more than 35 members and guests of the "Ken Whyld Association" visited this year’s meeting in the Franconian town of Forchheim. The KWA which was not founded until November 2003 now already numbers more than 110 members world-wide who are joined by a common interest in chess literature and chess history. The meeting gave the KWA board for the first time the opportunity of presenting the preliminary results of their previous activities to the members; it was prepared in an exemplary manner by the two Forchheim founding members Rudolf Glenk and Udo Güldner. Apart from the meeting the chess friends who had arrived from the whole of Germany, from the European neighbouring countries and even from the USA had sufficient time for personal conversations, additionally a guided tour of the Forchheim old town centre and a book market for exchanging or buying antiquarian chess literature were offered. The Sunday visit of the exhibition "Fascination and Terror" at the Nuremberg Nazi Party Rally Grounds was an impressive ending. At the general meeting in the hall of the inn "Roter Ochs" – also meeting place of the local chess club – the chairman of the KWA Dr. Jurgen Stigter (Amsterdam) and the other present board members Hans Engberts (Utrecht), Roger Klittich (Brunswick) and Dr. Michael Negele (Wuppertal) could point to an encouraging progress during the first months after the foundation. The initiators showed themselves impressed by the immense popularity of the KWA which should not least be attributed to the terrific internet website designed by the webmaster Dr. Ralf Binnewirtz (Meerbusch). In spite of these initial successes the board is aware of the requirement for further improvements of cooperation and for intensifying the contacts among the regional member groups in order to pursue permanently the ambitious aims of the association. So Andrew Ansel (Walnut Creek, USA) intends to contribute more to the board work in future and to coordinate some projects from the USA. Apart from the planned publications [End of this year the Zukertort biography by the Polish historians Tomasz Lissowski (Warsaw) and Dr. Cezary Domanski (Lublin), translated into German by Thomas Lemanczyk will be published by the Exzelsior publishing house.] the production of an internet database as a universal bibliography of chess literature is in the focus of the attention of the KWA. Andreas Saremba (Brieselang) delivered to the present members an interesting lecture on the basic concept of an hierarchical data structure favoured at the moment; afterwards Jurgen Stigter explained the next steps for a technical realization of this internet project. Also a second lecture of the young Swiss chess historian Richard Forster (Zurich) about his work of 900 pages that has appeared recently, a biography and game collection of the English chess master Amos Burn, met an active interest. Especially the demonstration of the required techniques to form such a thick chess historical book in consistency offered valuable suggestions for potential emulators in the auditorium. Finally the board gave an outlook for the next meetings of the KWA [Informal meeting at Brunswick on 2004-19-11, on the evening before the 45th auction in the auction house Klittich-Pfankuch; Board Meeting on the occasion of the book market taking place in the Max-Euwe-Centre at Amsterdam on 2004-11-27; General Meeting expected in the middle of September 2005 either in the Musée Suisse du Jeu, La Tour-de-Peilz (Switzerland) or in the Max Euwe Centre, Amsterdam (Netherlands).] and appealed to the members for more commitment regarding the collaborative work on club activities.
(Initially intended to use for a press report by Michael Negele)
Evening welcome and dinner
Friday, 2004-09-17
Book market
Saturday morning, 2004-09-18
Guided tour through the old town centre
Saturday afternoon, 2004-09-18
In the early afternoon a major part of the participants gathered on their way to the Forchheim old town centre in front of the conference venue "Roter Ochs" for a group photo. Brilliant sunshine and the well-informed guided tour by Udo Güldner made the tour of the town a welcome pleasure.
In addition we can offer you a virtual guided tour through Forchheim.
An illustrious circle did without the guided tour through the town, the beer garden close to the inn Roter Ochs also invited for that.
Our secretary Michael Negele explains the previous operations and planned book projects to the audience. Presentation (Powerpoint-ppt-file)
You will find a note on the 2nd edition of Ken Whyld’s Chess Reader on our page Publications. For the book project "Chess History in Argentina and the Chess Olympiad 1939 in Buenos Aires" (J. Morgado, Prof. Gomez) please see this paper (pdf-file).
Andreas Saremba presenting very clearly the concept of the database.