General Assembly in Marostica

Dear members and friends of the Chess History and Literature Society!
As announced by our previous chairman, Bob van de Velde, the new board of our society has assumed office. It gives me great pleasure to announce that Henri Serruys (Treasurer - Belgium), Jean-Olivier Leconte (Webeditor - France) Claes Løfgren (Secretary - Denmark) and John Donaldson (Vice-President - USA) will work together with me as new President (Frank Hoffmeister - Belgium).
As one of our first activities, I would like to invite you all for a GENERAL ASSEMBLY on 10 September 2022 in Marostica (Italy) from 10 am to 5 pm. Dr. Roberto Xausa President of the Banca Popolare di Marostica Volksbank Foundation has granted the holding of the General Assembly at the Sala del Buongoverno Palazzo del Doglione - Headquarters of the Foundation in the famous Piazza degli Scacchi! This offers many of us occasion to meet in person after a long period of travel and meeting restrictions. In the evening, you have the possibility to participate in the "Chess-live" event.
The Society encourages you to book your travels and hotel room early on, as the Chess-live event is a major touristic attraction in the season. We are going to send you a full program with interesting lectures before the summer break. Practical information can also be sought from our member Stefano Zulian from Marostica (
In the meantime, I encourage all member who are interested to join to send a short e-mail to Claes Løfgren so that we have an overview about the probable size of our group. If you have any wish for a specific agenda topic General Assembly itself, please share it with us as well.
I also take the occasion to express by deep gratitude to our former chairman Bob van de Velde, who steered the Society very well during the Corona times and offered me all possible help and advice to start as his successor.
I am looking forward to meeting many of you in person!
Frank Hoffmeister