Fagernes 2011 - Open Norwegian Championship
Chess Festival at Fagernes Open Norwegian Championship 2011

Our Norwegian member Øystein Brekke who acted as organizer of the new Norwegian festival has sent us a press release and some photos which we reproduce below.
The Fagernes Hotel -
From left organizer Øystein Brekke, Sergey Tiviakov and vice-mayor Svein Erik Hilmen. -
Tiviakov winning his decisive game against Swedish veteran GM Lars Karlsson. -
Anders Thingstad (15) surprised the SOS Opening Surprises editor IM Jeroen Bosch by defeating him. -
A game of generations: Per Ofstad (76) (left) was Norwegian junior champion of 1951 and Norwegian champion of 1961, here playing the also talented Sebastian Mihajlov (12) of Oslo Schakselskap. -
Norwegians for the future: Aryan Tari (12) was able to draw against Frode Olav Urkedal (17) who is already an IM, but got the title award a bit belated due to a late report.
You will find further results, games and photos at the following pages:
Festival web site
Complete results of group A
ChessBase pictorial report 28/04/2011 (in English)
ChessBase pictorial report 21/04/2011 (in German)
ChessBase pictorial report 26/04/2011 (in German)